Chapter 28

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As Genevieve ushered Collin and Jasmine slowly up the stairs, she paused as she saw a figure coming down the stairs. Genevieve's heart stopped and her stowaways froze in fright. When the figure didn't look up from the book, Genevieve realized it was Vivien! Genevieve breathed a sigh of relief. Vivien was reading, and whenever she was reading, it was hard to break her concentration - Vivien could read through an earthquake. Genevieve slowly crept up the stairs again, Collin and Jasmine following. Did she see us?, thought Genevieve. They were safely past her when a voice cut through her thoughts, "Yes, Gen, I can see you." Vivien smiled. "I want to have a word with your friends."

Genevieve straightened her posture, and balled her fists. Finally, she sighed. "Sure, sis," she said, forcing a smile on her face.


In Vivien's room, Genevieve sat on the soft, olive green bed while Collin and Jasmine stood awkwardly at the side of the room. Vivien made sure the door was locked before she sat down and crossed her ankles gracefully on her olive green plush sofa. Her stunningly pretty face was stoical. Genevieve couldn't tell if she was mad or disappointed. Even sitting in a sofa, Vivien had her classic look of intimidation and aloofness. "Gen, who are these... people?"

Genevieve somehow got the courage to talk. "Um, sis, you know how I've been using the secret passage." Vivien nodded. "Well, you know how I got to explore Gíinos for my birthday and got lost." Vivien nodded again. "Well, Collin helped me find my way back. And I've been using the passage to see him."

Vivien then cast her eyes on Collin. The narrowed eyes and slightly belittling look on her face must have unnerved him a little, because he shifted ever so slightly. Glancing at Gen, she said, "Gen, take his sister to your room, she seems like she won't cause any trouble. However, as for this young man...I don't think I can say the same for him." Vivien eyed Collin. "Besides, I would like to have a chat with him."

"But-" Genevieve started.

Vivien gave her a stern look, showing that her decision wasn't going to change.

"Fine." Vivien was always unmoving, except for those few sister nights, where she unwound.

Genevieve left the room, worried about Collin.


After the girls left, Vivien gestured for Collin to sit on her uncomfortable intricately carved, coral chair. "So, tell me how you met Genevieve."

Collin paled. "I was hunting when I heard a commotion by the river-"

"So you're from Gíinos," Vivien cut in.

"Yeah... I am. So anyway... I heard a commotion and went over to check."

"Why?" pressed Vivien with an intense but unreadable stare.

"Because I thought someone, um, might, be in trouble? So then, I saw Gen and-"



Okay then ..., Vivien thought. Shrugging off her doubt, Vivien nodded. "Continue."

"So I saw Gen-" Collin glanced at Vivien's threatening expression." -evieve and a bear. The bear was growling pretty threateningly too. I should know. Then, I told her to back away slowly and we both escaped. After that, I brought her to my house because I thought she was lost. Me and my sister-"

"My sister and I," corrected Vivien, sighingVivien sighing with irritation. "Do you not have proper schooling in Gíinos?" It always bothered Vivien whenever others didn't use proper grammar. It was her biggest pet peeve.

"Well, we haven't gone to school for years," replied Collin sighing heavily. Insert explanation because without one it's not smooth

Vivien nodded for Collin to continue.

"My sister and I took her into our house and Gen... evieve told us she was lost. Then, I helped her back to Thálassa. That's all."

"Sounds plausible." Collin was relieved. "But, I want to know what relationship you have with my sister."

After a very long pause Collin blushed and started, "Well, um, we're just friends. I kinda already have a girlfriend."

Vivien pressed her lips together.

"I'll trust you for now," Vivien stated as she intently stared into Collin's green eyes, "With no promises." All Collin could do was nod wordlessly.

"Good luck with your girlfriend. I hope you get back to her soon," Vivien said sincerely, feeling a wave of sympathy. Vivien knew the sting of losing someone, as Chelsea had been kidnapped recently. Although she wasn't close to her, Vivien felt the emptiness that Chelsea filled..

"Doubtful, but thanks anyway." Collin brushed the thoughts away.

"You're welcome. Now I'm going to sneak you back to Gen's room," Vivien said with a smirk.


Genevieve led Jasmine to her room. As soon as Genevieve closed the door, Jasmine started pacing the room. "Collin is going to be alright, right? Your sister won't turn him in, right?"

"Um, maybe?"

"Maybe?" Jasmine shouted. "Maybe? You don't even know if she'll turn him in and you just left him there?"

"I'm pretty sure she won't do anything to him." Genvieve said, thinking back to the conversation she had with Vivien about Father being in the rebellion. "She probably just wants to talk to him."


When Collin came back from Vivien's room, Genevieve, Jasmine, and Collin all had a fun time sneaking around the palace, giggling when they got a close shave, and stealing food from the busy kitchens.

However, all good things must come to an end, and this day did.

"Today was really fun, guys. We should totally do something like this again!" Jasmine exclaimed, bursting with excitement.

"Of course, Jasmine. Whenever you want." Gen said, teasingly.

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