Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

By the time Genevieve reached back home, it was almost midnight. As soon as she entered the castle, she was barraged with her family.

Her mother was crying. "We were so worried about you, my dear."

"I thought you died!" Vivien cried, a bit sarcastically. "Don't ever do that again."

"Yeah! " said Lana, "Without you, who would sneak in snacks in the middle of the night for our sister's night?"

"Lana!" Vivien reprimanded, her eyes laughing.
"Sister's night?" their mother questioned, "You guys have been sneaking around the palace?"

"No!" the three sisters shouted at the same time. They looked at each other before bursting into fits of laughter.


Genevieve glanced at her father. He was being unusually quiet. Was something wrong? "Father? Is everything alright?"

"Hm?" King Morcan was snapped out of his daze. "Yes, darling, everything is fine. I was just worried about you when you didn't come home on time." Genevieve gave a quick glance at him but didn't push it.

"I got lost." As soon as the words left Genevieve's mouth, she knew it was a mistake.

"Lost?" her father questioned. "If you got lost, how did you find your way back?"

"I, um-"

Gratefully, Vivien saved her from answering. "Genevieve is probably really tired, Father. Let her rest."

"Right. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, darling. Vivien, Lana, you should probably go to bed too."

"Good night, Father, Mother, " the three girls said in unison before they headed to their bedrooms.

Vivien and Lana went to their respective rooms, while Genevieve instead went to find Chelsea. She had to tell her everything that happened. Everything except for the part about Collin being in the Wildflowers, of course.


yo this story is so trash but idk i don't wanna have a 10 chapter book when famouxx reads my book (if she even got through the entire thing without cringing at like 12 year old me) so yall are getting a bunch more chapters so i don't look like a loser :)

but btw on another note, i got like 10 of my friends to read this and it is rlly good AND its getting publsihed so yall should rlllly rllly check out The Famoux by famouxx !!!!!!!

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