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The battlefield was covered in bodies.

Dead bodies.

Dylan had never seen anything like it. It looked like a massacre.

Correction. It was a massacre.

Dylan tried to look for survivors, but it was like trying to squash water - pointless. High King Hayden wouldn't have left anyone alive.

High King. Dylan was disgusted. King Hayden of Fotiá was already calling himself a high king. Dylan scoffed. Hayden had a lot more places to conquer before he could call himself that wretched name. Just because the Air Kingdom of Ouranós allied with the Fire Kingdom of Fotiá, it didn't mean that the other kingdoms would. The Water Kingdom of Thálassa and the Earth Kingdom of Giínos would never give up that easily. They actually had honor.

As he was walking, Dylan came across a woman. She was half burnt. Dylan shuddered at the sight of her black, charred skin with squirming bugs writhing all over. Beside her lay a little baby boy, no older than two, dead alongside his mother. The king really had no mercy. But, this was ordinary. Hayden liked to burn his victims, leaving none alive. It was a show of his power. As a fire elementalist, he liked to show everyone that he had the power to control and create fire. Along with him, King Zephyr of Ouranós enjoyed suffocating people with his ability to manipulate air. They were powerful together, no doubt about it, but they could be defeated. They had to be able to be defeated. With the might of Thálassa and Giínos, there was no way that they could conquer the entire realm of Vasíleio. Otherwise, he would be the king of all four kingdoms in the realm.


It was more than likely that Thálassa and Giínos could defeat the other kingdoms. Many of Giínos' warriors very very skilled earth elementalists and could rapidly grow plants. These plants could be razor sharp with thorns and could kill a person in one blow. Thálassa's warriors were their best hope, though. They had the power to manipulate and control water, and few could freeze water into ice and control it. With them, they actually had a chance against Fotiá.

Water puts out fire, they say.

Walking about, Dylan caught sight of a few of the fallen who were unmarked with burns and looked only frightened or in pain, but Dylan knew that it was Zephyr's work.

Dylan hated the powers that so many people of Vasíleio had. With the powers they wielded, they could destroy anything or everything. Dylan himself was an impotent, meaning that he didn't have powers. He didn't have the power to manipulate water, fire, air or even the earth. But he ignored that. He found it better fighting the old fashioned way - with swords. He didn't need any powers to show how powerful he was.

As he was walking, he heard some voices. Cautiously, Dylan followed the voices, until he reached an old, worn-down hut. Inside, was a cloaked figure and the high king himself - his fiery-red hair was covered in ash from his victims, his amber eyes were filled with rage, his red and black cape was billowing behind him. Dylan filled with rage and fury. He wanted to bolt into the hut and kill the king who caused him so much misery.

It was his fault that his parents were dead.

It was his fault his best friend was dead.

It was his fault that his children and wife were threatened.

It was all his fault.

But Dylan clenched his jaw as he restricted the urge to kill the king. Instead, he intently listened to the conversation the king was having.

"Do we have a deal?" the king's gruff, low voice said. "You will give me your powers, for the golden weapon."

"Art thou knowest that thou would like to go through with it?" a second voice asked, sounding anything but human. "It shalt leaveth the king as vulnerable as the legend, Achilles, able to be killed by the golden weapon."

"That is why you are going to take the golden weapon, away, forever, not to be seen by a single soul again, fading it into myth."

"And I shall be able to studyeth and discover its powers?" the creature eagerly asked.


"Then thou hast found thyself a deal."

The creature lifted its arms up as golden, glittery showers came out of its hands. It enveloped both the king and the creature and when it cleared, Dylan saw no trace of the creature or any evidence that it had ever been there. The king was alone in the hut. The king walked towards the door, right where Dylan was. Dylan panicked and tried to back away, but he tripped over the corpse of a young girl, making a loud thump.

As he got up, he found himself face-to-face with the treacherous King Hayden. "Well, well, well," he sneered. "What do we have here?" Dylan tried to back away but the king trapped him in a ring of fire. "Seems like we have a nosy one. Well then, you must have heard the conversation I had moments ago, didn't you?" When Dylan didn't answer, Hayden scowled. "I have to uphold my bargain. Not a single soul can know about this weapon. I'm so very sorry, but you are going to have to die." He grinned a most malicious grin before he thrust his sword through Dylan's heart.

I love you, Evelyn, he thought. Please forgive me. Take care of Collin. And that was the last thing that Dylan Terran saw before he drifted off to an endless slumber.


I know that this isn't very organized, but please stay with me.

My friend and I are experimenting. We've never created a story from scratch before.

We realized that we should incorporate a little bit of history, to make everything clearer.

To make up for it, I will post the next chapter on Friday?


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