Y/N: So....hungry.

She looked at him for a moment before she giggled seeing this.

Sona: Well hurry up and get dressed. Breakfast is made and waiting.

Y/N: Say no more!!!!

In a blur, he quickly got dressed and asked out of the room leaving a gust of wind behind him. Sona was utterly speechless seeing this as she giggled.

Sona: Guess food was all he needed to get moving.

She looked back on his bed as she saw a rather dark scale.

Sona: A dark scale?

Curious about this, she walked over and picked up the scale. Looking at the scale, she saw that it was almost dark as the night sky with all the light being absorbing into it. As she looked at the scale, a dark chill ran down her spine.

Sona: What is this feeling? Said a bit scared.

When she looked at the scale, a dark crimson eye appeared on the scale looking directly at her. Seeing this eye looking directly at her, Sona felt utterly scared and terrified as she lost all feeling in her legs. Suddenly, her surroundings changed as she found herself in a wide-open area with no town in sight. Flames appeared around her as it swirled around her as the temperature around started to become hot utterly fast. A loud thud appeared behind her as she turned around completely started by this.

???: Hehehehe, so you wish to die already, disgusting wrench.

Her eyes widen in shock seeing a set of garnet eyes glaring at her. The voice sounded utterly dark and nefarious.

Sona: W-Who are you?!

The eyes changed shape as it was as though whoever was behind the flames had a cocky smirk.

???: You don't even know me? Then again, you can be an utterly brainless aithyas aesthy.

The flames slowly died down revealing an ungodly dragon standing before her.

The flames slowly died down revealing an ungodly dragon standing before her

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Sona's eyes widen as she couldn't possibly breathe nor move. The dragon looked at her before he started laughing insanely causing gusts of winds to appear.

???: Hahahahaha!!!! You are utterly pathetic for one kinthlss!!!! The look in your eyes seems like you are about to pass out of fear!!

Sona remained utterly speechless before she was able to catch her breath. She slowly stood up as she looked up at the dragon.

Sona: J-Just who in the world are you!!

The dragon slowly looked down at her before slamming his foot down in front of her. She braced herself when it slammed in front of her as chunks of rock flying everywhere. When it died down, she was greeted by the dark garnet eyes were directly in front of her.

Cosmic Dragon EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now