They all walked inside and were immediately greeted by their homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, who had apparently been waiting there. He walked up to Kuri with a tired look on his face, not that it was different from his normal face.
"Your dorm room is the one next to Ashido's. I figured that if you're already sitting next to her in class then it wouldn't hurt to have you in adjacent rooms. Your stuff is already up there, by the way. Now, I'm going to go take a nap." With that, he turned around and left. Mina was practically ecstatic.

"Yay! Even your room is next to mine! Come with me and I can take you there," she said, pulling her to the elevator. Most of the class left them at that point, except for some other people going to their own dorms.

Mina took them to the fourth floor and led her to the end of the hall. She pointed to the room on the end.

"This one is my room. This one right next to it is supposed to be yours now," she said. Her gaze landed on the nameplate by the door. It was already labeled "Nakano". She looked back at Kuri and grinned. "I guess that confirms it. Have fun unpacking! Come downstairs when you're done so that we can all hang out!" Mina went into her own room then, leaving Kuri alone in the hallway.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Alone for the first time at last. She opened the door slowly, revealing a nearly empty room, only occupied by Kuri's boxes full of her stuff and some furniture. She closed the door behind her and sighed. This would probably take a while. Maybe I should set up my bed first. Just in case I end up being too lazy to do anything else, at least I'll have a place to sleep in. She found the box with her sheets, pillow, and ten stuffed animals and put them on the bed. She smoothed out her light blue comforter that was spread over the bed and fluffed up her pillow, then completely ruined all her hard work by jumping face-first onto it. She flipped onto her back and sighed.

"It should be a dream come true to be here, and yet some parts are more like a nightmare," she muttered to herself. Ignoring the fact that she wasn't interested in attending a hero school, there was already a person who probably wanted her dead. Her thoughts drifted to that Bakugo guy. She had to admit that when she saw him, her first thought was that he was good looking, but it seemed at this point that other characteristics of his would overshadow his looks. She smiled, amused. "He may be handsome, but he sure is a handful." Since when was I a poet?

She sat up and got off the bed. She'd need to get some more unpacking done today, or she probably wouldn't ever get around to it. She was lucky that there hadn't been any homework assigned today, mostly due to her arrival, but she was sure that there'd be work to do the next day, and she wouldn't want to have to deal with that and unpacking. Since she'd probably have homework soon, she decided that the next thing to unpack should be the things for her desk.

She set her school bag at the foot of her desk, then rummaged through her boxes looking for her stationery and books and such. After that was all set up, she stared at the table wondering what else she could put there, then remembered one of the most important things— well, most important to her.

She found the right box and pulled out the photos. There were pictures of Kuri with her parents, of Kuri with her friends, of Kuri's brother, of her pet cats, and other people that she cared about, but had left when she came to go to school here. Her eyes began to sting as if she were going to cry, but she quickly rubbed the feeling away with the back of her hand. She already missed them all. She got out some tape and put the pictures up on the wall above the desk. She smiled sadly, wondering when would be the next time she'd see all these people in person again.

After recovering from her short sad spell, Kuri unpacked the rest of her things and was finally able to change out of her uniform. She picked out a light gray t-shirt and the pants that were used for PE since they were pretty comfortable.

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