40. First Date

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Kuri sat back on her bed as she stretched the sheer tights to let her feet in. She tugged them up and snatched the long, off-white skirt from its spot beside her as she hopped to her feet. Balancing on one leg at a time, she slipped into it and rushed to look in the mirror. The tiered skirt ended just above her ankles, and, thanks to the tights underneath, no skin was exposed. Still, the floor chilled the bottoms of her feet, so Kuri turned to her dresser to grab some socks and layer them on top. She turned back to her mirror.

I hope this will be warm enough.

Kuri wasn't usually the type to dress so conservatively; when she wasn't wearing long pants, she preferred miniskirts. But for this outing, Kuri needed to brave the coastal cold, so the day before, she and Mina had gone out in search of something fun and fresh for Kuri to wear. And somehow, they'd landed on Kuri's current cozy outfit. She looked a tad silly, but luckily, the stakes were relatively low when it came to impressing Katsuki (he'd called her cute that morning when she emerged for breakfast with notable bedhead).

Under different circumstances, she would've gone for a more charming look for her first-ever date, but her clothing choices were to prevent freezing her legs off at the beach. Hopefully, her location suggestion for their date wouldn't backfire because, after a week of running from snooping schoolmates and the month-long stress of preparing for the festival, Kuri and Katsuki needed a break.

On Friday afternoon, they returned to the dorms and pondered what to do about that date they'd agreed upon nearly a week before.

Katsuki said they should go somewhere quiet and relaxing. A place where there would be few people or other outside forces to disturb them.

Kuri had to think long and hard to come up with a location that wouldn't be bustling during December. The first calm, unpopulated place she thought of would be out in nature. So, Kuri suggested the beach.

She still remembered sitting on the plane, only a few hours from stepping on UA's campus for the first time and looking out the window to spot the shoreline far below. Since then, Kuri longed to visit the ocean, even if just to see it up close again. It held a sort of familiarity for her, considering she grew up surrounded by water, and recently she craved a taste of home. The holiday season was probably to blame for her sudden desire to be home.

Kuri slid over to the items waiting on her desk to be packed into her bag. She stuffed her wallet and other necessities into the small backpack as she ran through a mental play-by-play of their date.

The coast was only a short train ride away, so once they arrived around two o'clock they could take their time walking in the chilly winter weather for an hour. Then, once they got sick of the stinging ocean air, they'd go get a snack and return home. It'd be a pretty chill day trip (no pun intended), so Kuri didn't need to take much along.

As she zipped up her bag, Kuri chuckled at herself for barely managing to get made up in time. She'd laid out everything the night before, yet it took her until noon to scramble to her room to get out of her loungewear. Well, she still wore a thin, white turtleneck she'd put on after rolling out of bed, but that didn't matter. Plus, she planned to wear her blue, star-patterned cardigan over it.

On Saturday, as Kuri dug through her closet for something to wear, she came across the cute cardigan she'd rarely worn in recent months. Kuri held it, tracing a finger over one of the soft white stars. Ages ago, she had wanted to wear it to that failed mission.

Back then, that was as close to a date with Katsuki she ever expected to get. When the mission ended in tears and disillusionment, Kuri subconsciously took it as a bad omen for their relationship. Surely, only more sorrow was to come, but they'd beat the odds, and now he was her boyfriend! So much changed since that unpredictable day: her tattoo disappeared, she captured the vigilantes, and after some trial and error with Katsuki, they'd made it work. Just like she was about to make this clothing combo work.

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