Sweetest Relief

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Third POV

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Third POV

A few weeks had passed by and it was now close to Thanksgiving. But, Olivia wasn't really in a holiday mood this year. She didn't have a reason to be. Nothing about her life gave her anything to be happy about. Everyday Dean was getting closer to completing his full year and Sam was doing things in the dark. As much as Sam thinks he's hiding, Olivia knows better. She knows that he's been working with Ruby to get Dean out of the deal. And as much as she wanted to tell him that working with a demon was downright wrong, Olivia actually felt a little hope out of it. It actually seemed like they would be able to save Dean but there was no guarantee. But Sam and Olivia were holding on to the possibility of it all. Of course, they hadn't spoken to Dean about it because they knew what his answer would be. It would spark up another argument and Olivia didn't feel like arguing anymore.

The married couple hadn't talked about their 'little conversation', as Olivia likes to call it. Things were okay but they definitely weren't normal. They could talk to each other and act like everything was okay, but the tension was still there. Maybe it's because they aren't necessarily angry at each other, just disappointed and hurt. But this time around it wasn't Dean who was avoiding the inevitable talk, it was Olivia. As much as she hated to admit it, Dean was the one being the bigger person about everything. He had tried to bring the topic up but it would only end in Olivia quickly changing the subject or claiming that she had to go and do something. So many times Olivia thought about waking Dean up so they could talk about it but she was afraid of what he would say. She was afraid that she would never be the first choice in Dean's life. She was afraid that he would always consider her last and that terrified her.

It just seemed like everything just wanted to leave Olivia with questions and Balthazar is notorious for that. He had yet to come back to her with any information regarding her powers. All she knows is that they are fading. Olivia never really realized just how much her powers made her feel like herself. They had become a big part of her life and now she was at a loss. She didn't know who she truly was without her powers. She never knew how much she relied on them and now they're just fading away. And she didn't blame Dean. Even if that would be the most sensible thing to anyone else, she didn't blame him for anything. Dean was actually the first person she wanted to tell. As soon as she made it back into that motel room that night, she immediately wanted to wake Dean up and let him know what was going on. But, her stubborn mind stopped her from doing that unfortunately.

"No, no I didn't forget. I've just had a lot going on recently," Olivia says, dragging a hand down her face. She was sitting in her and Dean's room at Bobby, talking to her uncle. He had called her to see if she was still coming to the fall festival that Louisiana has every year. It was like her and her uncles' tradition to go every year but they didn't get to last year because of Olivia hunting.

"Well, are you going to be able to make it?" Mason asks his niece, hoping that she would make time for it. Olivia hadn't seen her uncles in what felt like forever and she missed them a bunch. As she was about to respond, she hears her Uncle Mike in the background saying "She doesn't have a choice. Tell her to get her ass here now." Mike has always been the tougher one out of all three brothers.

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