Beautiful Nightmare

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Nightmare- a terrifying or very unpleasant experience or prospect.

As soon as Olivia woke up, she swore to herself that she would never, ever have another drink of alcohol. Not even the smallest taste. She had never experienced the type of pain she was feeling now. The hangover pains. She hadn't felt like this since she was in high school. And she didn't plan on feeling like this ever again.

But it was something different about this pain. It wasn't just the regular stomach pain or headache, it was deeper. As if someone had planted something inside of her, and it just sitting there waiting to go off whenever she made the wrong move.

She began to toss and turn in the bed, that somehow became very comfortable and warm overnight. She felt something heavy and tight against her waist and stomach but she ignored it, thinking it was just a stomach ache. The warmness suddenly became too warm as the sweat started to creep its way on her forehead. Bile made it's way up her throat but she pushed it back down. Trying to make out her surroundings, she lifts her head up but the sunlight's peaking through the blinds making it hard for her to see anything.

"Seems like someone didn't have a goodnight's sleep."

"Dean?" Olivia croaks, her voice scratchy from sleep.

"That's my name, don't wear it out."

"What did you do to me?" Olivia moans.

"I didn't do anything. You did this to yourself, Blue," Dean chuckles, "You couldn't even walk straight."

Flashbacks of the night before comes back to her mind, and she groans, putting her head down in embarrassment. She was going to kill Vanessa for giving her shots, but she was also gonna kill herself for making a fool of herself in front of Dean, physically and emotionally.

"I don't feel good."

"I know you don't," Dean runs a hand down her face but notices how warm she really is.

"I think I'm gonna throw up."

"I know you are." Olivia dashes to the bathroom and bends over the toilet, letting all the vomit spill out of her mouth. Her back arches every time her stomach heaves. Dean looked at her in concern as he noticed how sick she really looked. Her once caramel brown skin was now pale and sweaty, and she looked thinner than usual. Of course, she was already thin, she's always had a nice, fit, and curvy body. But she seemed unhealthily thin. Either she drank way too much or something else was going on.

A few moment later, Sam busted through the door with a frantic look on his face. His eyes danced around the room, like he was looking for someone, before his eyes landed on Dean. "We have to go."

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