The Beginning to an End

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Third POV

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Third POV

Dean has known Olivia for almost a year now and he had never seen her that mad before. She was fuming, he could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. Even after he'd gotten her to relax, it still didn't take away the fact that Balthazar had been sugarcoating everything. Things that could be fatal, and that they should know about. But, it almost seemed like Balthazar was avoiding her on purpose because even after all of their prayers and calls, he wouldn't answer. And that didn't do anything but piss Olivia off even more. But even Dean had to admit that pissed off Olivia was hot as hell. The way she scowled and pursed her lips. The way she walked and moved her hips sensually without knowing. It was bothering Dean in ways that weren't important at the moment. He kind of felt like a teenager again when it came to her. Only this time he was looking for a actual relationship.

"Liv, I'm telling you these waffles will make all of your worries go away," Dean says, with a mouth full of waffles. Dean offered to take her to a diner, thinking that it would calm her down, but it only made her more antsy.

"I don't want any damn waffles," Olivia rolls her eyes, "What I want is for Balthazar to get his winged ass down here right now."

Dean shoves some bacon into his mouth. "Well, that's not happening anytime soon."

Olivia folds her arms and leans back into the booth, looking out of the window. "Then I'm not eating any waffles."

"Olivia, just chill out, alright. I'm sure he had a good reason as to why he didn't tell you."

"No, you don't just not tell someone that they have a weakness. Especially when they live the way we do."

Dean finishes chewing and places the fork in the plate. "How can I get you to relax?"


"Liv, I ca--."



"Dean, I want the angel."

Dean nods his head before he comes up with an idea. He quickly cuts a piece of his waffle and shoves it in her face. "Here."

"If Balthazar isn't going to appear when I eat it, then I don't want it," Olivia pushes the fork out of her face.

"Olivia, come on. It'll make you feel better," Dean groans, as he tilts his head to the side.

"I'm not hungry at the moment."

"Liar, you're always hungry," Dean begins to chuckles, "Do I need to do the airplane thing? Sam used to love it."

Dean starts to make small airplane noises while swirling the fork around, but his smile fades once he sees that she isn't budging. "Babe, seriously."

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