A Feeling

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Third POV

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Third POV

Sam was on the brink of pushing ,both Olivia and Dean, off of a bridge into rush hour traffic. He didn't know that two people could be so stubborn and childish. Olivia had told him what went down once he and Bobby got back from the hunt and he almost went to murder Dean. The first two weeks of her not talking to him made perfect sense but now it had gotten out of hand.

Olivia hadn't talked or even looked at Dean for almost 3 weeks. It was awkward and the tension was unbearably irritating. Funny thing was, he'd never seen his brother so strung out over a girl before. Sure there was Cassie, but with Olivia it was deeper. Before any of them knew about the connection, Sam would see the him staring at her when she wasn't looking and vice-versa. The same thing is happening now, only difference is Olivia isn't sparing him a glance. And Sam was tired of it. There were bigger things at hand then focusing on a silent treatment.

While they had their childish game going on, Sam had been doing some research about psychic powers, with Olivia's help of course. So far, they had gotten nothing. All the lore were mostly myths and all the sites they went to were knock-offs who were faking for money. But, tonight, well morning, Sam thinks he might have gotten something.

There was a teenage boy in Kansas who had been seeing a psychologist for years. His parents were killed in a fire and he claimed that there was someone who had been following them for years. And that someone was the one who started the fire. The crazy thing is that the description of the guy didn't make any sense. Everything about that someone was normal until the teenage boy described the face. It was distorted, bent out of shape, not human like. And it had yellow eyes. Yellow- Eyes.

"Liv, I think it's time," Sam says, surprised they had gotten so far in research.

"Sam, I told you I'm not going on a diet."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about," Sam slides the newspaper to her from across the table and points, "The case we've been looking at for months. It's time."

"Like now? Right now?"

"Yeah, go grab your stuff." Sam quickly gets up from his seat and gathers all of the papers and books they had out.

"Okay. I'll go get Dean," Olivia says, already halfway upstairs.



Sam looks up at Olivia slowly, and sees the accusing look on her face. "We're doing this without him."


"We're gonna die."

"No, we're not."

"We left in the middle of the night and took his car. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of death."

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