Hate That I Need You

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Third POV

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Third POV

Sam's stupidly cute puppy dog face was literally going to be the death of Olivia Scott. All he had to do was sadden those eyes and make his bottom lip quiver. That's all it took for him to get her to agree with whatever he wanted. In this case, Sam convinced her to tag along with all three of the Winchesters on the big vampire nest hunt. Olivia wasn't going for it at first. She had shook her head no so fast that she almost caught whiplash. But, once again Sam Winchester was able to make her melt away with one look. That's what she gets for claiming him as he little brother. She had to go through the everyday motions of it, including the puppy dog face. Oh and you can't forget Sam throwing Dean's name in there. As Sam put it, it would be a way to see if Dean truly was done with their fathers crap. Olivia could only hope that Dean had truly changed for the better. But, she also knows how Dean is when it comes to his dad so it could really go both ways. She was just grateful for the fact that there wasn't bad blood between her and Dean. Break-ups could go two different ways: you hate each other or you're mutual friends afterwards. And due to the given circumstances, Olivia was almost positive that her and Dean would never rekindle their relationship or even talk to one another. But, she was beyond estatic that they were going to ease back into it. Because their relationship before was a hot mess. Too many secrets were being kept and there were way to many emotions to deal with coming from each other. And she meant it when she said to take it slow and that they were just friends for the time being. But, she also knows that when it comes to making her all hot and flustered, Dean take the crown.

Olivia didn't really know how to feel about hunting with John and the boys for the first time. Well, she knew that she was pissed and irritated but she just didn't know how she would react. Hopefully, her mature side would completely take over because her angry state can cause people to get hurt. Literally. If she becomes too angry or vengeful, her powers and grace would bubble up inside her to the point so much to where she just exploded. And she didn't want to hurt John. Well not in front of Sam and Dean. But if it was just the two of them, Olivia would happily fry his brain. Olivia was also interested in seeing how their hunting dynamic works. Over the year, she first developed a routine with Sam and Dean, then it was a routine by herself, but she had never seen them work with their dad. Of course, she had seen him thrown orders around but her altercation with Dean afterwards ruined the mood. It was clear to basically everybody that Olivia hated John Winchester. Well hate is a strong word, let's go with strongly disliked him.  In her eyes, he was a arrogant asshole who abused his sons. And that's something she will never forgive him for. But she's willing to push all of that to the side for the sake of Sam and Dean.

As Olivia finishes putting her things into her bag, there was a small knock on the door. Dean slowly walks in with his arms crossed. Olivia smiles softly. "Hey."


"You about ready to go?" Dean asks, gesturing to her duffel.

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