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Third POV

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Third POV

Dean had changed significantly since the last time he and Olivia had their little heart-to-heart. It wasn't a change in a bad way, but in a good way. He was more open when it came to his feelings and how to deal with him. But, the change was starting to worry Olivia in some ways. Dean had also became more protective over the past weeks. Not wanting her to get out into the field, but wanting her to stay at the motel and just do the research. Needless to say, Dean got chewed out a few times.

The search for their Dad was still happening at full speed but most of the leads were just dead ends. This was causing tension between Sam and Dean. While Sam wanted to go wherever the leads led him, Dean wanted to work the cases. The arguing between them had become like a daily thing. It usually ends with Dean using the 'I'm the oldest' excuse(even though he doesn't act like it half of the time).

Research on Dean and Olivia's connection wasn't as easy as she thought it was going to be. Her and Bobby found as many books that related to their situation as they possibly could. But, none of them told them how and why they were connected. Hell, even Missouri had little to no type of knowledge about this stuff. Who would? Most people aren't physically and emotionally bound to someone.  Dean, of course, was trying to use this to his advantage but Olivia wasn't having it.

For Dean, he was still having to lie to Olivia about multiple things. And Balthazar(who is a 'bougie asshole' to Dean) was popping more frequently. Olivia almost actually caught the both of them one time. He acted quick on his feet and turned the TV on, claiming that it was some infomercial. The most that Balthazar would say if Dean asked questions was that it was all for a reason. And to keep Olivia on a tight leash. Make sure she doesn't get to reckless while hunting. Now, Olivia wasn't the one to be stupid in the field but if it meant saving someone, she wouldn't be afraid to get down and dirty.

As of right now, they were working a case in Rockford, Illinois. They were in an abandoned asylum searching for a pissed off spirit. Those are never the fun ones.

"So apparently the cops chased the kids here into the south wing," Sam says, pointing to a sign on the door.

"South wing, huh? Wait a second," Dean begins to flip through John's journal, "1972. Three kids broke into the south wing, only one survived. The way he tells it, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place."

Olivia slowly nods her head. "So whatever's going on, the south wing is the heart of it."

"But, if the kids aren't spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?" Dean asks.

Sam looks around and indicates the chains. "Looks like the doors are usually chained. Could've been chained up for years."

"Yeah, to keep people out, or to keep something in," Dean notes, and the all give each other a knowing look before Sam pushes the door open. They all begin to walk down the hallway, flashing their flashlights around.

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