Daddy's Home

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Third POV

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Third POV

"Angela, this is to protect her. We don't have a choice!" George yells. He had just gotten back from another hunt. Well, that's what he had expected it to be. He had expected to leave, handle his business, and come back home in the matter of three days. It was supposed to be a simple salt and burn, but it turned out to be so much more. He expected to come home to his wife and daughter safe and sound. He thought that he'd left that in the past, that he had figured everything out. But now, his family was on the line. His daughter was on the line. George taken pride in how he and his wife was raising their daughter. She was polite, had manners, and was sweet as candy. She was his Ellie-Bear. He was promised that she would have her normal life. She wasn't supposed to live the life that he's always hated. But now, things had changed. All because some big, bad demon wanted to use her for some war. Just because of who she was.

"No, there's a choice. You're just making the wrong one," Angela argues back. She wasn't willing to do this.

"So you want her to evil. To kill thousands of innocent people."

"That's not what I'm saying," Angela seethes, "George, there is always another way. We just have to figure out what it is."

"It's too late for that now," George says sadly. He never wanted it to come to this.

Angela scoffs and crosses her arms. "I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved with you."

"Oh, don't give me that. You don't get to say that after 5 years, marriage, and a child," George points a finger in her direction, "Don't you dare say that."

"George, I am begging you. Don't do this. Please, please," Angela pleads, with tears in her eyes.

"It's already done. She has Balthazar has been appointed her guardian angel and Castiel's grace is flowing through her."

A loud and disrespectful knock interrupted Olivia's dream, which annoyed more than the blinding sun peeking through the curtains. Well, it was more of a flashback than a dream. Like, she had already lived through it. But, this was the second time she had heard the name 'Balthazar'. And to add another daily consistent thought, who in the hell was 'Castiel'. Now that was a new one. But what puzzled her more was the whole guardian angel and grace thing. It couldn't have meant anything, right? It was just dream triggered by the crazy stuff that she sees daily. But at the same time, she should still be cautious. That was a little to real to be a coincidence.

Lifting her head from the table, it takes her a minute for her to realize where she had fell asleep. Looking around, she had noticed that she was sitting at the small table with different books surrounding her. It took her a while to fall asleep because she had so much on her mind. And that 'so much' was particularly Dean. He always found a way to meddle with her thoughts. So, she distracted her self by reading most of the lore books she had collected over the number of months.

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