Scared of Lonely

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Third POV

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Third POV

In his lifetime, Dean had his fair share of being alone. When his dad left for a few solo hunts, when Sam was at Stanford. But, this time it all felt totally different. Sure, he had his dad but his dad was emotionally absent. Dean was slowly starting to realize how John truly treated him like a soldier. His dad ordered him around, woke him up at any time of the day, and he would let him take a break every now and again. Sam and Olivia had been gone for about a month and a half, and Dean could confidently say that it was probably the worst one of his life. It was filled with loneliness, countless hunts, and bars. Bobby had called Dean almost right after Sam had called him, demanding answers on why Sam was leaving again. If Dean would've known that Sam was leaving, he would have stopped him right away. He had lost his brother once and he didn't want it to happen again. But it did, and Dean couldn't stop him.

When John had finally explained to Dean the reason he came back, Dean immediately wanted to call Sam and Olivia and inform them about the news. John was starting to close in on Azazel but then Dean realized just how much of a mess he was in. Last time he checked, Angela was being held suspect of being possessed by Azazel. Dean really did believe that she was Azazel. She was bitchy enough to be him. But, the thing that worried him most was how Olivia would react. They hadn't had any contact over the time period and Dean didn't know what she was doing or how she was doing. Now that he thinks about he's miserable without her. For one, he's always uncomfortable for reasons that he doesn't know yet(but he assumes it has something to do with the connection). And little things remind him about her. Even sleeping made him think of her. He didn't think how much she had changed him.

Dean was currently at a bar, sitting at the counter. He really didn't know why he was there because he didn't have a drink and he wasn't researching for a case. That's how he knew for sure that Olivia had turned him around. He barely had any alcohol, and if he did it wasn't stronger than beer.

"Can I get you anything?" the bartender asks.

"No thank you. Not really in a mood drinking mood," Dean replies. He was never in a drinking mood lately.

The bartender chuckles and starts to wipe the counter. "Who comes to the bar and doesn't drink? Or at least dance?"

"I guess I just needed to think."

"Mind if I ask what?"

Dean looks at his hand and considers telling her what was going on. "Um, relationship problems, family problems."

"Ah, relationship problems. I get that a lot around here."

"What are you, the bar therapist?" Dean says, with a smirk.

The bartender smiles. "Something like that. You got a picture of your girl?"

Dean nods his head and pulls out a picture from his wallet. The picture he pulls out instantly brings a smile to his face. Sam, Olivia, and Dean had decided to take a off day and watch a few movies. Dean noticed that he didn't have any pictures of her and decided he wanted to have at least one. Surprisingly, Olivia wasn't the type of girl to like taking pictures. But, Dean convinced her and he got it printed out. It never left his wallet.

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