You're No Angel

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Third POV

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Third POV

The impala's tires screeches down the road as Sam presses his foot heavily on the gas. He was pushing Baby to her limits as he raced the car down the lonely road. The two brothers were rushing to get Olivia to the hospital as quickly as they possibly could. Dean was applying pressure to her wound as they sat in the backseat, Olivia laying across his lap. But it didn't seem like the thin bandana was keeping the blood inside her body.

"Sammy, hurry! She bleeding out back here!"

"Dean I'm going as fast as this car we'll go."

"Well make it go faster!"

Dean didn't mean to be as stern and sharp as he was but in his defense, his dying girlfriend was bleeding in his arms and he couldn't do anything about it.

"D-Dean..." Oliva moans quietly, but he could still here the pain in her voice.

"No, no, don't talk. Just relax and breathe for me," Dean says, while intertwining their hands and squeezing. He was trying to hide the pain that was evident in his voice. He didn't know where it came from but as soon as Olivia fell to the floor, he felt the painful, sharp sensations throughout his body. He could feel everything. Her pain, her emotions. And it wasn't pleasant.

"I'm.... t-tired."

"Hey, keep your eyes open. Don't close them."


"I know but you can't go to sleep yet. You gotta stay awake, you hear me," Dean says, but the encouraging words didn't work. He saw her eyelids flutter shut and the grip she managed to maintain on his hand relaxed.

"No, no, no. Liv," he lightly taps her cheek a few times but she was out cold, "Sam, press on it!"


The emergency room was two quiet for Dean's liking. There was only a handful of people there and they were calmly sitting in their seats, waiting. Just waiting. That's something that Dean hates the most. His patience levels weren't high at all. They were the lowest of the low. He just didn't understand how people could be okay with waiting. Normally, Dean would be able to keep up the 'tough guy' persona, but this was different. He could feel every single thing that was happening to her in that O.R. The painful tingles and sensations were something that Dean had never experienced before. Every time they dragged a knife across her delicate skin, he could feel it. Every time they moved something around in her body. Every time they squeezed a little to rough. And he wished that he could feel all of it. If there was any wish for Dean to have right now, it would be to take away all of her pain, and place it inside of him. He deserved it, right? He wasn't a good person, he's done some crappy thing, so what would be a little more pain?

Olivia had been in surgery for about 3 hours. Sam had gotten them there 30 minutes before the surgery, and they took those 30 minutes to figure out what was going on with her before they could open her up. Sam literally had to drag Dean out of the room so he wouldn't slaughter all of the doctors that were working on her. In Dean's eyes, if you see something wrong, just get to it and fix it. It took him less time to stitch him and Sam up, combined. But the thing that really broke him was what Olivia was saying before they took her behind those double doors.

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