Bobby's House

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Traveling with the Winchesters was pretty cool. It was irritating at time but nonetheless, they were good company. Always finding ways to make me laugh till I couldn't breathe or keeping me on my toes with the pranks that they do. I almost broke my leg from one of the pranks but thats besides the point. Although there are a few downsides to traveling so much, and that was not being able to sleep or being woken up from a good rest to get breakfast.

"I just don't understand how you stay so skinny. You eat worse than Dean," Sam says as we walk from the donut shop to the motel room with coffee and donuts. It was early in the morning when Sam woke me up to go get some donuts. The only sleep I had got in days for some freakin' donuts.

"It's called fast metabolism, Sam. What I don't understand is why you had to interrupt my sleep to get some donuts and coffee," I say with a sarcastic smile.

"I didn't wanna go by myself."

"You know if you were shorter with an adorable smile, I wouldn't have a problem." I say, as I place the coffee on the table.

Sam snickers. "So, if I was Dean you wouldn't have a problem." Well played Samuel

Pausing my movements, I look towards Dean, who was sleeping. The blanket had fallen off him throughout the night, so his legs were out. He has some really nice legs.

"Someone's staring," Sam teases.

"Shut up," I quickly turn my gaze towards Sam, "Jokes on you. You called your older brother's smile adorable." Sam laughs and we continue walking to the motel. I guess walking with the Winchesters is becoming a regular thing for me. I have to admit there pretty relaxing. Well, the ones where I'm not blushing and stuttering aren't, but we're gonna blame that on Dean.

"Why were you up anyway?" I ask, curious as to why he was up before 6 am. I know Sam is an early riser but 6:00 is like the crack of dawn. I wouldn't dare wake up at this time on purpose.

Sam looks down and sighs. "Another nightmare."

I tense up when I here the word nightmare come out of his mouth. Dean and I hadn't told Sam about us having the same nightmare after Kansas. My nightmares had stopped for the time being. We don't know what it mean but Dean doesn't wanna speed up the process in finding out. But, this is eating away at my mind. I don't really know when we're gonna tell him, but I hope it's not anytime soon. He already had too much on his conscience.

"Is it still about Jess?" I ask, softly.

"Yeah. She just can't seem to leave my mind," Sam lets out a humorless chuckle.

I place a hand on his shoulder, "Sam. She's never gonna leave your mind. You were in love. But, when she's is on your mind, they should be good memories. Don't focus on the bad."

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