Just A Dream

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Third POV

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Third POV

A loud laugh comes out of Olivia's mouth as Dean picks her up, bridal style, and spins her around. After eating lunch with Sam, they decided to go outside for a bit, but it started raining. And that didn't stop them. They spent a good twenty minutes running around, chasing each other, and jumping in puddles. It felt amazing to just have fun for once. To not have to think about monsters and saving people for once.

This reminded Olivia of her childhood before her dad passed away. Whenever he came home and it was raining, they played outside for hours on end. They would put on some raincoats and boots and he would chase her while her mother was watching from the porch, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. That was when times were great. When Olivia was clueless about what went bump in the night. When she didn't feel so much pressure all of the time. When she didn't have to worry about her husband going to hell soon.

They were good memories. Memories that she holds on to, and doesn't plan to ever forget of let them go. But, her life was so much easier then. Olivia sometimes wants time to just stop and rewind.

"You're gonna be sick," Dean says as he leads them back into the house.

"I'm half war-angel. I'm pretty sure I can handle a small cold," Olivia smirks, as they walk into the threshold.

Dean catches the tiles that Sam threw them and wraps one around her shoulders before rubbing one through his hair. "Exactly. Half. Don't get ahead of yourself alright?"

"Says the guy the pushed me into a puddle on the ground," Olivia teases as she takes off her now soaking wet jacket.

"Well, I knew you shirt was see-through so..."

Olivia punches his chest softly and giggles. "You're disgusting."

They get changed into some fresh, clean clothes and walk back into the living room. Sam was in the kitchen popping some popcorn and Bobby was putting a movie on that Olivia's pretty sure she's never watched before.

"We having a movie night?" Olivia asks, plopping down onto the couch and tucking her legs beneath her.

"Yeah, I figured we needed some time off," Bobby says, hitting play on the film.

"Hey, don't start without me," Sam shouts from the kitchen.

Dean takes a seat on the couch besides Olivia, throwing an arm around her shoulder. "Well then hurry your ass up!"

Sam comes running in, a few pieces of popcorn flying out of the bowl as he moves. He flops down onto the couch, his fair flying in Olivia face.

"Sam, I swear that I'll cut your hair for free if you let me," Olivia says, with a nudge to his shoulder.

Bobby and Dean chuckle and Sam glares at her. "You touch my hair, and I touch yours."

"Not if you want to die early," Olivia responds and everyone laughs loudly but quiets down once the movie starts.

Olivia places a small peck on Dean's lips and snuggles closer into his chest. He smiles and wraps his arms around her tighter. She took the chance to look around at all three of them. They just looked so relaxed. It brought a smile to her face, filling her with happiness even if it was just for the time being.

But, that didn't last too long.

Suddenly, all three hunters started to disappear one by one. Olivia quickly sits up and looks around confused. They just vanished into thin air.

"I was wondering when you would realize it was just a dream," a voice says from behind her.

She jumps up off of the couch and turns to look a who it was.


"Meet me behind your motel."

Olivia pops up from her lying position, panting heavily and sweating. She quietly gets up from the bed, being very careful to not wake Dean or Sam. They were both extremely light sleepers but that was because they were hunters. It comes with the job.

After slipping her jacket and shoes on, Olivia discreetly makes her way out of the door. Once she got outside, her heart starts to beat outside of her chest. She honestly didn't know what to expect.

She walks around the corner of the motel and there was Balthazar standing in his normal attire. A wave of emotions hit her at one time. The last time she saw him, she had killed Azazel while also killing John at the same time. So seeing him brought up unwanted memories that didn't sit well with her. But, she wasn't going to let Balthazar see that. She put her hand in her jacket pocket and she put her RBF on.

"Olivia, darling!" Balthazar exclaims while throwing his arms out, "How are you?"

"Depressed and angry, how about you?" Olivia says in the most sarcastic tone she could muster up.

Balthazar sighs and then smiles sheepishly. "I know you've been wondering about little ole me."

"You think?!" Olivia scoffs, crossing her arms.

"I can explain," Balthazar says, holding arms out like he was trying to tame her.

"Please do."

"It's pretty funny actually--."

"I'm not finding anything funny, whatsoever," Olivia says, her voice starting to crack. She stars to think about everything that had happened over the past few months, she just wanted to burst into tears. "You're supposed to be my guardian angel and you've been gone. I've needed you."

Balthazar's gaze softens. He looks at her with remorse because he feels guilty. And he feels like he's failed her. "Yeah, I know. I've been a terrible excuse for your guardian angel. "But listen."

"This better be a good excuse to wake me up at 2 AM."

Balthazar looks at her and the atmosphere in the room shifts. It went from being a bit emotional to being stern and serious. Olivia didn't know what to expect from that, if she's being honest, she never knows what to expect from Balthazar.

He sighs deeply before he tosses his head back and looks up at the dark sigh. "Ugh, I hate my life."


"Okay, okay. Don't be so aggressive."

Balthazar sighs one more before he looks her directly in her eyes.

"Your powers are fading."


I know it's crazy short but the next chapter is going to make up for it, I promise!

That's chapter 5! I hope you all enjoyed!

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Until next time!

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