Section 1 : Chapter 1

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AN: This is my first book. I hope you guys get interested in my book. If something doesnt make sense please comment and tell me cuz as much as I try to avoid mistakes, one of them come to bite me in the ass. Enjoy.

I close my locker and I turn around looking for Jade. Just before I started by search, my best friend pops up right next to me.

"Hey, Jake." Jade said in a seductive tone.

"Just stop, Jade. Can you stop hitting on me? It's getting kind of weird now." I said irritated.

"You still don't understand, do you? I like you." She said with a smile.

She always does this. Every single time she gets she tries to flirt with me. Even though I gave it to her straight. I told her I wasn't interested. Several Times.

I wasn't interested in girls for a year now. It got boring. The whole girls staring at you and when you finally give them a chance they want have sex and leave. I haven't personally done this but I know that's what happened to some of the guys. That's another thing.

"Jade, you are my best friend and I don't want to ruin our relationship on some date." I said trying to convince her to stop and trying to read her reaction.

"I have to try, you know. If I don't then how will I know you have feelings for me. And I don't think that we went on a date it would ruin our friendship. I think it will enhance it."

"I'm bisexual, leaning towards guys, Jade. What don't you get about me." I said trying to take her out of her dream world of us being together.

She turned towards the cafeteria and walked down the hall.

"Keyword. Bi. Meaning guys and girls. I still got a chance in this race."

Did she just look over my whole 'leaning towards guys' part of my sentence.

We reached the cafeteria and started to eat our lunch when I spotted Drew. Jade's brother. He's so hot and mysterious. But I don't know of he's willing to have any relationship with another guy. And also how would that complicate Jade's and my relationship if we did get together. We only said hi to each other occasionally but we never actually had our own conversation.

I carried on looking straight at him in a daydream with no care in the world but then he glanced at me staring at him. I didn't realize but when our eyes meet, I knew I was done for. I never really meet this guy but I think he's one of those guys who hate it when you stare. Especially when you are a guy too.

He grinned and waved at me. I awkardly waved back and he got up from his table and walked towards my direction.I was scared. What the hell is going to do with me? Am I going to be dead by tomorrow?

"Hey Jade. Are you set for the party this weekend?" Drew asked. He glanced over to me. He looked a bit confused and I realized I was staring right at him. I shook my head to wake myself from this daydream which turned into a nightmare very quick.

Jade looked at him confused. Drew sighed and sat down right next to me. "Mom and dad aren't going to be here this weekend. So you and I said we will have a party. You invite a few friends and I'll invite a few friends. We talked about this 3 weeks ago Jade!" Jade started to remember what happened and she said sure.

He got up and looked over to me and said,"I'll see you at the party then." He gave me a wink. He walked away to his table. Oh my god. He winked at me. And said he's going to see me at the party. Before I get to excited I should ask Jade what's his deal.

"Hey Jade." I grab her attention.


"What's the deal with your brother?" I asked in a causal tone not trying to alert any notion about my crush on him.

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