Chapter 15

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I stood outside looking at the house. As soon as I walked in he would be there waiting for me. I slowly opened the door awaiting my doom. I closed the door and walked upstairs. I didnt bother to look at the mess that was created from the party.

When I got to the room. I couldn't see him. I was about to go to the bathroom to check but I heard someone behind me.

"Hey. I'm here." He said coming from behind me. He had a smile on. Like nothing happened last night.

"Oh hi." I was confused. What did he remember if not the kiss? He wasn't even angry like he was yesterday. I decided to not bring it up. He was in a happy mood and that was fine.

"Crazy party last night. I dont even remember half of it." He said confirming my suspicions on him forgetting the first kiss.

"Oh ok." Is all I could say. What did he want me to say to that.

"Yeah. If you want to shower you can use it. I finished and Jade is still sleeping." He suggested. I nodded and waited for him to leave the room. I grabbed what I could and entered the shower.

I was there for a while. Processing what happened. It's like he programmed himself to back to the way he was a week ago. I got out and got dressed quickly. As I finished, I picked up my phone and saw the miss call from Drew earlier. I heard him walk in.

"Drew, why did you call me?" I said him as soon as I saw him.

"I didnt know where you were so I called." He said trying to convince me.

"Didnt you see my message? I said I was going out." I asked. All he did was shrug.

"Hey." He started. "Could I use your phone? I forgot to put the wifi password?" That's weird. Why would he ask that after I stayed here for a week. By now I should be connected.

"Oh no. Jade did that already." I said.

"Well can I see your IP address so I could put it on the list. So we know who is using it and who hacked it." It seemed like he really wanted to look at my phone.

"Oh. Yeah." I said pretending to give in "But first, I want to look at my messages." I opened my phone to see if he sent me anything.

"Uh. You can check afterwards." He stuttered. What's wrong with him?

"But I wanna check it now." I said playfully. "Oo. A voicemail from you Drew."

Drew looked like he was about to fall down. After I said that he stormed out of his room and the house into his car. He drove away while I watched. What was so important about this voicemail. I opened it up and listened.

Yay. Voicemail. Do I wanna leave a voicemail. Yes. No. Yes. No. Oh it's already on. Yay.

I laughed and shook my head. He was really drunk last night.

Well Jake. I hope you enjoyed the night. I've been watching you. You seem to enjoy hanging out with Garret. I saw everything. I didnt want to bother you but to be honest I have the guts to now. I like you Jake. I like like like you. Like i like like like you. Fuck. I'm confused how many likes did i use? Doesn't matter. I have feelings for you Jake. I have feelings for you and I want to tell you. Like really bad but I can't. Well I already did but you know what I mean. I dont care if you got any other guy or girl cause you said you were bi, I want you Jake. I've always wanted to you. I was just to scared to tell you. But now i got liquor on my side.

The phone fell on the ground. I heard it.

Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going.

The called ended after he said that. I sat on the bed. He liked me. Drew liked me.  Drew picked me in the whole world to like. My heart beat was of the roof chart. That's why he stormed off. He was scared I didn't feel the same. I tried to predict where he would go but then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey." Jade said half asleep. "You awake already? Where is Drew?"

"I'm not sure." I said after trying to think about it.

"Well, I guess it just you and me for cleaning up." She said. "I just need to brush my teeth and shower then we can clean okay?"

I nodded and she left. I totally forgot about cleaning up. After all this drama, I guess cleaning was the least if my worries. I thought really hard about where he would go and then it came to me. He loved the beach. He would go to the beach. I was practically out the door until I heard Jade come out of the bathroom.

Fuck, how am I supposed to leave now?

I waited to see if she'd take long but to my surprise she finished quickly. She hurried down the stairs and flicked her hair which was stunning. I really dont know how she manage to do her hair put that dress on and makeup in 2 minutes. Or maybe it was longer. I was preoccupied at that moment to actually realise.

"Okay. Let's make this quick. I got a date tonight." She said quickly already starting.

"Yeah right quick." I hurried of to the next room when the words Jade said finally sunk into my brain. Date. I tracked back into the kitchen and gave a look that grabbed her attention  quickly.

"A date?" Trying to keep my mind of what's actually going on now.

"I thought you'd never ask." She said excitedly.

I started helping her with the kitchen. When we moved room to room we cleaned together so we could talk.

"So he told me he wanted to take things slow, right?" I hummed in agreement.

"But then, I think he got way to drunk because we started making out. Like a lot." She said with a lot of glee.

"I know Jade. I saw it. It looked like he was trying to make you become a piece of the wall." I said remembering how he pushed her against the wall.

"It was in the moment Jake. What would you understand? You were chasing after something last night like a  dog. Anyway, after a while he said he wanted to go slow but he couldn't resist me."

"That can't be? I could resist you very easily." I teased. She threw a pillow at me and I ducked but it hit me anyway.

"Anyway, he asked if we could go out tonight?" She finished.

"You better watch out Jade. He told me he didnt want to be in a relationship cause he just got out of one. Dont get your hope high tonight."

"I dont feel like he's going to back out though." She said with a smile.

We finished clean the whole house. By the time we were done, I forgot about Drew. But then I remembered. I grabbed my coat and left while Jade got ready for a date. Time to set things straight with Drew.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter. I actually planned a lot for this chapter but I took it out since it didnt make sense at the time. I didnt need it there so much as I do later so I tucked it away.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next is going to be a mix of feelings.

Let's Keep This A Secret (Boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin