Chapter 3

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I got up late like really late. I ended up having cereal in the shower which was gross and on top of that my morning hard on wouldn't stop throbbing for some reason. So it would the worst morning to leave the bathroom door unlocked for your father to come inside and see you hard with cereal in hands with water coming out of the pipe onto your body.

He immediately walked out and I felt so stupid. I didn't worry to much about it because I was way to late for the bus meaning I need to run fast.

I get downstairs trying to make eye contact with my father because even though it didn't bother me at the moment, it was still very embarrassing I locked the door and ran for my life. I couldn't be late because Jade said she has something important to tell me. But that's not the only reason I'm trying to go early. I want to see Drew. I want to see if he would actually come and talk to me after our chat last night.

I made it to school within 8 minutes. I couldn't breath. Breath in. Breath out. I made it to the entrance and I walked in calmly. I found Jade by my locker. "Why weren't you on the bus this morning?" She asks while getting off her phone.

"I got up late. I was a bit busy last night."

"Yeah. I know. We had a family meeting yesterday. My parents are so annoying they want to get us a babysitter and we don't know who it's going to be. They are saying they don't want any.."

"..funny business." I finish her sentence remembering the conversation between Drew and I.

"Yeah." She says not finding anything unusual. "And you wouldn't believe what my mom said. She said that funny business meaning.."

"Sex." I finish it again. She looks up at me confused this time.

"Yeah." She says a bit skeptical. "Hey anyway. My mom told me to tell you that.."

"I must come over for dinner on Thursday night. Your  parents want to say goodbye to me."

"Okay how do you know this before I told you." She asks generally confused.

"Why are you asking me? You did this. You gave Drew my number. I say glaring at her. She looks at me with shock.

"He actually messaged you. I just gave him your number in case you message him and he wanted to know who it was." She says while still looking shocked.

"Yeah he messaged. And he also told me that you said I wanted to be friends with him. I never said that."

"So you don't want to be friends??" She asks.

"I never said that either." I say after a while.

"I can never figure you out." She says.

We say our goodbyes and go to class. The first few lessons flew as all I could think about is Drew. After his messages yesterday I had a dream. And not a we were together forever bullshit. I mean it isn't bullshit but for the dream it would have been bullshit.

I can remember how I enjoyed that dream. The heat of bodies. The throwing. The grabbing, the thrusting. We didn't have sex but I mean we could have. If I didn't have to get up we would have done it. I think that should explain my throbbing erected member this morning.

After class, I had to stop daydreaming and go to the cafeteria for lunch. I wanted to look for Drew. When I found Jade, I sat down to see her glaring at someone. I turn my head to see here looking at. She's glaring at Drew. I turn my head towards her.

"What are you doing?" I ask while hitting her hand for staring and trying to grab her attention.

"He told you all the info last night so I'm glaring at him until he gets uncomfortable."

"Yeah like that's gonna..." Drew popped up in front of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Jade??" He asks completely ignoring my existence.

"Hey. That's what you get for telling my best friend all of the family drama news last night."

"He asked." Drew stated. Jade glared at me.

"Hey I was trying to make conversation." I said trying to defend myself. Drew still paid no attention to me.

"Ugh! Fine. Drew. You can get lost now." She says while he shakes his head and leaves.

Does he know I exist. I mean yesterday I existed right? Because he looked at me yesterday. Or maybe he looked through me. Maybe I'm a ghost.

"Hello? What's wrong with you?" Jade asks after seeing my contemplate my existence.

"I'm thinking about how I could be a ghost." I say casually.

She spits out the water shes drinking from and starts laughing. "What? Why would you think that?"

"Because Drew completely forgot I existed. I mean yesterday he saw me. But now I'm thinking he looked through me."

"Oh yeah. He probably forgot. Don't get so worked up about it."

"I'm not getting worked up. I'm just.. I thought he hated me yesterday then we started texting and I thought its fine. But now I think he still hates me."

"You can text him later and ask him but for now relax."

I took her advice. Not the stupid relaxing part. The texting later part.

After school, I walked home to see my father in the kitchen through the window. Yay. Let's talk about this morning. I awkwardly open the door. I pretended I didnt see him and tried to go upstairs.

"So I've been thinking," my father began."if you want to move into the guest bedroom you can. I won't stop you any longer."

I turn around look at him. I was taken back by this sentence.

"What's this sudden change?"

"I don't want to walk in while my son is doing sexual things in our shared bathroom. If you're gonna do that then I should give you your space."

"Wait what? Sexual acts???? Just because you saw what you saw doesn't mean I was doing anything... Sexual."

He saw that he struck a nerve with me. And tried to calm me down.

"I'm just saying you wanted that room. You get privacy and no one will walk in on you showering even if you forget to lock the door."

After a while I calm down and when we started to eat my father started to talk.

"So when do you want to move." He asked.

"Um. I'll start tonight." I said. "Because tomorrow, Jade's parents want me to come over for dinner."

"Would you like any help?" He asked.

"Um, I don't think so. I'll be fine you can go watch TV." I say.

My father finished his food and started to leave the dining room when he came back.

"You know son, I just wanted to say that after what I saw this morning, I want to say that you are becoming a very well grown young man." He said. I cringed. Why is he doing this to me???

"Stop. No. Disgusting." I say.

"You get that from my side." He said.

He left the room and I felt very weird. No wonder anyone gets so grossed out when their parents talk about things like that. Yeuk.

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