Chapter 7

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AN: This chapter is quite long since the dinner was supposed to be 1 chapter but ended up being 2 and I really don't want to write another chapter of the same night so I put what ever I could here. Enjoy.

We walk downstairs and Jade is by lounge watching TV. Her mom was the one who saw me first though, coming down with Drew.

"Hello my Handsome Man." She said while giving me a hug. "And I see you've taken a liking into Drew now. Hopeful there wasn't any funny business." She said with a laugh.

"Ugh. Could you guys stop it?" Drew said with a slight irritation in his voice.

"I thought you said it doesn't bother you anymore." I said with a grin.

"Well sometimes it just gets on my nerves." He said glaring at them.

"Hey, you made it," jade said after finally seeing me.

"He was here from fifteen minutes ago." Drew said after taking a water out of the fridge.

"Oh gosh. You must have been so lonely, you should have told me, I would gave came sooner. She said.

"Actually.." I started.

"He was with me." Drew interrupted.

This family loves interrupting me.

"OK Drew." Jade began. "Honey please, could you stop stealing MY best friend FOR ONE MINUTE!!!!

"Chill. We were just talking. I wasn't stealing him." He said as he sat down at the table.

"Yeah you weren't. Then in a week, you 2 will be hanging out more then him and I. And I think you're a bad influence."

"And how is that a problem, he'd be better of without you. You're more of a nuisance then I am."

"OK could we please stop fighting over our guest. He came here to have dinner not to hear your bickering." Derek chimed in.

I would love to hang put with Drew more but then Jade would feel left out. FUCK JADE. OK no that was joke. I wouldn't do that to her. Well I hope I wouldn't do that to her. Not fuck, I'm mean leaving her out.

As we sat to eat her parents began talking.

"As you might of heard, Jake." Joanna began. "Derek and I are going out of town for 2 weeks."I nod as I know what's going on. "And we know that these 2 here," she said while looking at her children. "are trouble makers. So we wanted someone to watch over them for the 2 weeks. We tried getting Nanny but unfortunately we came too late. But we weren't worried because that wasn't our first idea. We actually wanted to ask if you could stay with them over the 2 weeks?"

I was shocked. They trusted me enough to watch their kids. I'm not even the oldest. That's Drew.

"What?" Drew and Jade said together.

"Are you sure you want me?" I said after a while.

"Yes." Derek said. "We thought it was going to be a problem since you and Drew don't really get along but after what we saw today, I don't think there would be a problem."

I sat back on my chair and looked at Jade and Drew. They weren't worried at all. They kind of looked happy but they were trying not hide it.

"Well, I kind of need time to tell you and I also have to ask my dad so.." I said.

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