Chapter 9

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An: Call Me By Your Name Spoilers. If you haven't watch the movie (you are crazy) and if yours planning to watch it i think you should watch it because they talk a lot about it.

After a long, long day at school, I met Drew outside and went back to his house. He parked outside and we walked in with Jade already at home and their parents ready to leave.

"Ah, they're back." Joanna said walking outside with her bags.

"Finally, took you long enough." Said Jade at the lounge.

"Everyone knows what to do in case anything goes wrong, right???" Derek asked.

"Hopefully, nothing will go wrong." Joanna said a weak laugh.

"Yes, dad. We'll be fine." Drew said.

"No funny business, especially you Drew." Derek said. There we go with Funny business\sex talk again.

"Hey? Why me?" Drew said.

"You're older." Derek said. "Could you drive us there, Drew?

"Oh yeah sure." Drew says while closing the doors.

"Bye guys." Joanna said.

I waved while Jade hugged her mom. They left the house and Jade and were left to ourselves.

"Wanna have sex?" Jade said out of the blue. "Oh come on. I wanna show them I can score too. Then they can't say especially Drew."

"I told you Jade, I don't like you." I said.

"Well guess what? I think I like someone else." Jade looked at me and I was staring at her with my eyes widened and a smile on my face.

"Who is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me." I said while shaking her after walking all the way to the side she was sitting at.

"In due time, my good sir. For now you're just going to have to wait for the party. THE PARTY. OMG. I totally forgot. He was supposed to come today but we canceled. Ugh. Now I'll never see when we're not in English."

"Well we could have a party next weekend since your parents still won't be here and we'll have enough time to clean up."

"I know that and I wanted to do that but we have to check with Drew. He has a booze guy and we planned to get from him today but Drew canceled it."

"So what do we do now?" I ask.

We just relax until Drew comes back and then we can ask him.


After a while Drew came back but Jade already ate and left to go shower. I waited for Drew to come back.

"Hey. I'm back." He said.

"Hey. You wanna eat?" I ask.

"Yeah sure."

We sat down to eat and I started thinking of ways to bring up the party.

"A0re you fine with having a party next Friday?" Drew asked.

"I would say no but I wanna meet this guy." I said.

"And who is that?" He asked with a lot of interest.

"I'm not sure entirely but I just want to find out if he's MR right." I said. There is no way in hell, I'd let Jade date a random guy if he wasn't good enough.

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