Section 2 : Chapter 10

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The week went by pretty fast. I mean really fast. Saturday and Sunday was pretty much lazy days for me and Drew. Jade went out shopping on Saturday. She went at 05:00 and came back at 20:00. But weirdly enough, she didn't bring anything home with her. The next day, she got up late. And went for like 3 hours and can back with 15 bags. 15. What the hell was she doing the previous day for her to get so many bags today.

Drew and I spent our time watching miraculous. I was explaining the story to him and he was intrigued. Yay. We got another person into the fandom. We only finished Season 1. He was so angry when the origins of how everything happened was the last 2 episodes because he said it would have helped him at the beginning. He was also angry that the it left on such a cliffhanger. Wait season 3, my friend, wait for season 3.

The week also went fast, we had school as normal and when we came home we did our homework together. By the time we all finished our homework and dinner, we always went to bed. It was just to tiring to actually stay awake after homework now. Why schools? Why so much homework?? After my homework meltdown, there is my most favorite time of the night.

When we all go to sleep, Drew and I stay up a little longer talking about things. I enjoy talking with him, and he enjoys talking with me. We always go to sleep facing each other. I should know. I wait for him to sleep and then I face him. He looks so beautiful when he sleeps. It would be a sin to disturb him. On the first night, he had a nightmare, I knew because he woke me up. After I calmed him down, he didn't want to look at me. I guess he was embarrassed. I, eventually, got him to talk about it but all he told me is that he has nightmares. No one knows, but him and now me. He made me promise not to tell anyone. I held for the rest of the night. Making sure he's safe and sound.

The mornings never go well because Drew always wakes up earlier than me and always has a towel around his waist while trying to find something to wear in front of me. This makes the erection even worse. How is that even worse. I always go to bathroom ASAP but I think he's seen it at least once.

But after the long school days, homework, no TV, I get to be in Drew's arms since he said it helped him the first night. He hasn't had a nightmare since so its working. I'm glad I could help anyway possible.

The party was all planned and set for today. Jade sent out things from her social media to everyone at school mistakenly, so now we have a full house. I'm not even going to tell her to cancel a few people because then other people would get angry.

Drew took care of the booze and hid it in his room. We set out some games to play just so people aren't just drinking the whole night.

Tonight is going to be the day, I met the man of my best friends dreams. Whenever I bring it up though, Drew always gets irritated, every since that first night at dinner. She sent him a special invite and he said he's coming. Drew invited a few of his friends but not a lot because he knows what Jade did.

So even though we have everything prepared, we all felt nervous. We all promised each other we weren't going to drink but with all the booze around, I'm not sure all of us can resist temptation. I haven't tried it before but I know if any nights going to be the night its going to be tonight.

Drew seemed a bit distant since the morning. Every time I ask him something or talk to him, I get one word replies or even nothing in response. I want to ask what's wrong but I feel he's just going to shrug me off. I decided to dunk him up a bit then ask.

Jade also realized something was off but she couldn't be bothered. She more worried about looking great for this dude. I got a name from her. Garrett. That was not enough info to look for him on social media and she knew it. Also those 15 bags of clothes were just for to pick out and outfit for tonight. I tried helping her pick out clothes but I took 3 hours to do and the party started in an hour.

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