Section 3 : Chapter 19

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One month. But I can remember it like it was yesterday. The voicemail, the beach, the kiss, that same night, the rejection. I hated thinking about it. But I couldn't forget it. How do you forget it? Getting so close to someone and then having the complete opposite thrown right in your face.

I sit on my bed staring at a blank screen in front of me. My father was downstairs cooking dinner. The thought of helping him didn't even cross my mind. For the last month, I was just to depressed to do anything. I couldn't even tell anyone. Although I hate Drew, I wasn't going to tell anyone anything.

I remember the crying didn't stop. That whole night I carried on. Crying into the pillow. Wallowing on my tears, I couldn't see how believable stupid I was.

I've been avoiding him ever since. That night when I came home he tried his best to contact me but I blocked him on everything I had him on. I was so angry. He was so content on not being together but he still wants to talk to me like nothing happened. And I guess he took the hint. At school he gave me my space and tried to not talk to me. After what i said that night, we didn't talk again But where there was feeling for him everything turned to dust in an instant.

Jade asked a lot of questions at first but didn't bother after a week. We still hang out but not as often as we did. She used to ask me to come to her house a lot for the first 2 weeks but I made a lot of excuses. So we always came to my house or went somewhere else. I did my best to not make Jade feel as if I don't want to be her friend anymore. She knows something happened after I stormed off and I can see she's a bit afraid I won't talk to her anymore as I don't talk to Drew any more.

After I cried my eyes out, Hazael was the one who helped me out. We hung more often ever since. I told everything. Normally she would say I was too good for him but this time she genuinely was upset for me. As we hung out more, I invited Jade with us and all 3 of us hung out. Jayson and Caleb joined soon after.

Caleb is still trying to adjust to his new side. He's not taking it too easy either. He had a lot of breakdowns, I helped him with most of them. I called every night to check on him when we didn't see each other. Hazael helped a lot too. When we went out she always used to be Jade and him. Whenever she could she would try to cheer him up.

Jayson and Caleb's relationship is hanging on a thread. Whenever we hang out they are always so awkward around each other. As far as I know they haven't even said a word to each other in the past month.

Tomorrow is going to be one of these days. We're all going out to the movies and then the arcade. I'm just hope Jade doesn't bring Drew along. She's been asking if he could come and he declines but for some reason he accepted. She's annoying me to bring him. I just hate even saying his name. How am I supposed to spend time with him.

I bet that's why she wants to come over. She asked my dad, in secret, if she could come over for dinner. I just found out like an hour ago. I decided to get dressed and get the table set up but then when I thought of the reason she wants to come over the memories came back. Haunting me.

I went downstairs and my dad was cooking. He spotted and said hey while giving me a smile. I gave him a weak smile. After I set the table, I sat in the lounge watching TV. Soon the door bell rang, my dad opened it before I could.

"Jade, Hazael. You made it." He exclaimed. Did he just say Hazael?

I turned my head to see Hazael walking in with Jade. Right if Jade can text my dad she can text anyone. I rolled my eyes. I didn't bother getting up. The girls plopped themselves next to me.

"So. Whatcha doin?" Hazael asked.

"I'm watching TV." I said pointing to the TV. "Are you blind?"

Let's Keep This A Secret (Boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें