Chapter 5

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I entered the school after walking from my house. I couldn't wait for the bus. I got up too early and my room was in state after last night with items scattered everywhere the shattered glass. I tried waiting for the bus but the time it took to get to my house would be too long.

My father and I didn't say a word after last night. I don't think I was in the mood to talk. I don't think he was either. I could see he cried though. His eyes were red. I shouldn't have smashed the frame. If I didn't he wouldn't have gotten up to check on me. He wouldn't have saw the frame. He wouldn't have thought about what he lost. What we lost.

Drew tried contacting me so much yesterday and now I feel bad for ignoring him. He seemed genuinely worried. I just wanted to switch of any emotion I had last night. I didn't want to feel anything.

I get to my locker. Luckily, Jade wasn't there. I wasn't I'm the mood to talk today and she would ask questions about why I'm upset.

As I walked down the hallway, someone grabbed me and pulled me into the janitor's closet. The janitor's closet is a bit small and there is no light so I couldn't clearly see who it is. I still couldn't. Our body were 1 cm away from touching each other. I tried to look up but I couldn't see.

"Tell me what happened last night and don't try to ignore me I made sure you couldn't now." I didn't even have to find out who it was. I just knew. It was Drew. I knew his voice way to well.

"Drew, calm down. I'm fine." I tried to say trying to eliminate any other reason he could thing of glass breaking.

"No you're not. I heard you gasp and then I couldn't hear you say anything. Then I hear glass shatter. Then you tell me with an unusual tone that you have to go. Tell me if anyone hurt you." He said with anger.

"What's gotten into you? I'm fine. No one hurt me. Well physically anyway. I just saw something while unpacking that I didn't want to see and it got me upset and I throw it." I said trying to explain myself. He was listening but he was looking for bruises on me.

I tried to struggle so that I could open the door but he was standing in front of it. He took my hands and put it behind me and held it there. That's when I realized our bodies touching. I could feel everything, his chest, his abs, his crotch. His crotch was against mine while he held my hands behind me. He continued to look for bruises. In the dark might I add.

He let go off my hand just in time before I got turned on so much he could feel it. He hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're alright. I stayed up all night trying to get a hold off you. I couldn't even sleep. I was so worried."

"Why were you so worried?" I asked. He stopped hugging me and tried to take a step back but there was no space.

"Well anyone would have been worried if they heard a gasp, and a glass break. What's wrong with you?" He said.

For a moment, I thought he was gonna say he liked me. I was going to be so happy but that would have been a stretch see in we only talked for 2 days now.

"Anyway I got to go before class starts. Hey, now you know I don't hate you." He said with a smile.  I remembered our conversation last night.

"And now you know I don't hate you." I said.

"See ya, later." He said while walking off. There I was in a janitor's closet. Alone. The place where Drew's crotch was against mine. That's most probably as far as I'll get with him.

I walked out of the janitors closet quickly and made my way to class. As I sat down I remembered how close our bodies were. The heat. It felt more real then the dream. Well it was real so..

I classes went slow as usual. Nothing exciting happened. I was looking forward to lunch so that Jade could cheer me up. Not that I wasn't happy already.

I walked into the cafeteria and sit down with an angry Jade in front of me. Yeah, now I did something wrong. Let the depression set in.

"Where were you this morning?" She asked very angry.

I opened my mouth to explain to her but I got interrupted.

"Sorry, that was my fault, don't blame him. We were talking this morning and didn't realize the time. Um, do you mind if I sit down?" Drew said clearing my story for me.

I nodded. Jade looked a way from her brother angry. He sat down next to me and took out his lunch.

"Hey. Jade. Don't blame me. You gave me his number. This is your fault." He said.

"Yeah you're right but the only reason I gave you the number.. Ow." She began but I interrupted by kicking her.

"Yeah, I know. He and I don't know each other that well." He looked up at her and put an arm around me. "Well look now. We're best friends."

Jade swatted Drew's hand away and he said ow.

"You're not his best friend. I am. I'm the most important person to him." She said so proudly.

"You're the most important person for now." He said turning his head towards me and winking. I almost blushed from what he said. He didnt even say it normally he said it kind of sexy.

We ate lunch pretty quick. And Jade reminded me about dinner tonight. In almost forgot with whatever happened last night.

After school, I got home pretty fast. As I walked in, I couldn't find my father. Maybe he was at work right now. He normally works at home but occasionally he goes to work to sort out a few things.

I go to my room to get dressed for dinner. I see my dad cleaned my room up. He didn't need to do that. I reminded myself to thank him later.

I got into the shower and stood there. I didn't even move. The water went on me and washed away any pain I had. Well the water didn't. Drew did. Seeing him so angry if I got hurt, seeing him being protective was a side to him I didn't know and a side to him that I kind of liked.

I got dressed and went downstairs to see my dad home. I hugged him. He was a little surprised.

"What's this hug for?" He asked.

"For allowing me to move to room I've always wanted. For being there for me when I really needed you for not blaming me for a lot things that I blame myself for." He looked happy. Really happy.

We talked for a bit but I needed to leave. I said I'll probably be a but late but he said that's fine. I left the house and walked for 20 minutes.

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