Chapter 6

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I arrived at the Jordanson's house 10 minutes earlier then I should have but that didn't matter. I knocked on the door and patiently waited for someone to open. I didn't wait long since Jade's dad, Derek, open the door for me.

"Hey Jake. Please come in. Jade and Joanna went to get some groceries," he said as he closed the door. "You can wait in the lounge since I knew you and Drew don't get along."

Even their parents know. Ugh.

"Um. If you don't mind Derek, I would actually like to talk to Drew?" He had shocked look on his face.

"Of course, sure, sure. He's in his room." He said with a hint of joy in his voice.

"Thanks." I say as I look at the stairs leading to the corridor where the rooms are. I walk down the hall and turn right. I see Drew's bedroom door in front of me. Its a bit weird standing here since I always go to Jade's room.

I knock on the door. I had to wait a while before he opened. But I think he regretted it while I enjoyed myself seeing the view. When he opened his door, he only had a towel around is waist showing over his abs, chest. The chest I oh so dearly love.

I looked at him shocked since I didn't realize he was a towel away from being completely naked. I took my eyes off him and looked else where. Him on the other hand, was a different story.

When he opened the door he didn't even look straight at me. He was rubbing his wet hair with a towel. Once he looked up, it looked like he saw a ghost because as soon as he saw me he slammed the door in my face.

"I thought you weren't going to be here for any other 10 minutes," he said sounding a bit off beat to his usual tone.

"I kind of made it here today, I guess." I said trying to talk as normal as possible. Why am I embarrassed, he was half-naked. "I'm, uh, going to sit downstairs, yeah." I said while trying to leave the front of his door ASAP. I went back downstairs into the lounge.

As sat down, Derek was walked in and sat down too.

"I hear, he doesn't want to talk to you?" Derek said. I gave him a confused look. "I heard the door slam."

"Oh no. He was just half naked and embarrassed. Yeah..." I said trying to make a straight face and not wanting to laugh.

"You should see him around the house. He doesn't wear a shirt walking around the house so if we have to go he forgets to out one on, I have to remind him every time guests come over, including half an hour ago. He leaves the bathroom door unlocked. I'm telling you, if I had penny for every time I walked in on Drew.." He was interrupted by a voice coming into the room.

"I think that's enough dad." Drew said coming downstairs with white sneakers and a black sweat pants with a black hoodie. His hair was dry enough but still wet giving of those sexy vibes. He walked towards me with hands in his hoodie, raising his eye brows and smiling at me.

"Hey." He said. Trying to not make our conversation anymore awkward as he sat down.

"Hey." I said trying not stare at him to long.

"Sorry about my dad. He over shares information." He said the 3 words loud enough for his dad to hear. "Anyway, um, what did you today after school?"

"Nothing much, I basically just got ready to come here and I had a conversation with my dad." I said casually. "You?"

"Nothing either." We sat in silence for a minutes. "This is much harder to do when we're not texting, huh?" He said with a smile. I laughed.

"You guys text?" His father said from the kitchen.

"Uh. Jake. Why don't we go to my room for more privacy." He said as he grabbed my hand.


"OK fine. Go have your privacy. But I don't want find you 2 doing any funny business."

Drew rolled his eyes while I widened my eyes because I know what funny business means in their family. Why would he think we..? What??

Drew, still holding my hand, takes me to his room and closes the door. He let's go off my hand but its seems he was reluctant. I sit on the bed while he walks over to me. His room was not at all as I thought I would be. It was pretty clean. I thought things would be lying around and that there would have been a huge mess but no. He even had books. I walked over to the book case scanning what books he had.

"It's a hobby of mine. Reading books." He said standing right behind me.

"Seriously?" I asked with genuine interest.

"Why does it look like you think otherwise?" He asked.

"I don't know, I guess I've always seen you has as jock even though you don't play sport. So all of this is pretty interesting to find out about you. I mean it is interesting to find out anything about you..." I said the last few words while turning around to see him towering me. Well not towering because he his only a few centimeters taller.

I wanted to gulp but I didn't want him to recognize the sound since he has heard me before. I walk around and sit back on the bed. I remember what his dad said downstairs before I got distracted.

"Hey Drew. Why did you dad say no funny business?" I asked.

"Oh that. After my parents sometimes asking if I had a girlfriend over a million times, I said girls weren't that interesting because I never liked any girl at my school. So they opened up to the idea that liked guys. They try to be slick by saying things with hints like what my father said. It doesn't really bother me anymore though."


"Well that's another story, I don't think I want to talk bout it though. If you don't mind."

"No don't worry. But are you gay?" I asked out of curiosity. I mean he said he wasn't interested in girls but he never said that about guys.

"I'm not sure. I never liked a girl and well a guy, it wasn't me liking then obsessing for some reason. I think my parents liked him so I kind of found myself taking a liking to him as well. But I think he, well, uh. Never mind. I don't want to bore you with details. I guess maybe that or I like anyone not the gender. So basically I might be gay, or pan."

I wonder who he liked. It seems he doesn't like talking about it. But its possible to have a relationship with him. That was the best news of tonight.

"And you?" He said interrupting my thought process.

"Uh. I thought you knew." I say.

"No I don't." He said with a small pout.

"I'm bi. I like girls and guys." I never said leaning towards guys. I felt a little embarrassed by that.

"How did you find that out?" He asked while giving me all his attention.

"I've always liked girls, I guess. I even had a girlfriend once. I liked her, she liked me. It was just perfect. We were turning 13 at the time."

"I didn't know you dated someone when you were 12?" He said interrupting me.

"We learn something new everyday, now don't we? Anyway once I hit puberty, something changed. I always have admired guys, I kind of had to since my friends were girls. Anyway after I hit puberty then I found my liking into guys. But I also like girls still. I was kind of confused. But in the end I just found I widened my scope of finding love." He chuckled.

"OK I know that you were sure you liked girls because you've been with one but guys? Were you with one? How did you know you actually liked guys instead of just knowing who's cute and who's hot??"

"Well one.." I got interrupted by Derek who said the girls were back. "Well I guess I have to tell you that story some other time then."

"I'll make sure of it." He said with a chuckle.

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