Chapter XXXVII

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A/n just wanted to say thank you so much if you're reading this story! I have been absolutely terrible at replying to comments, but every one of them makes my day! Hope you have a great day xx


Adrian sighed as he looked at the stack of haphazard papers on the coffee table. Next to him, Eden groaned loudly. "This isn't working."

Adrian nodded. "We just don't have enough packs. Either we're being blocked by Eastwood or everyone is terrified. The strategy meeting will be empty."

Sebastian, who was sitting next to Adrian, crumpled the paper he was holding and threw it at the door. "Fuck, man! How can you do the right thing and still have no fucking support? Fighting the fucking moon's battle and not being helped by her own fucking soldiers."

The paper hit Drystan, who had just entered, square in the face. He plucked it from the ground, confused, "Wha-"

Adira, Cassie, and Kaifa walked in from the backdoor, the hubhub of angry voices interrupting Drystan.

"You can't!" Adira grunted furiously. "I'll gut you."

"Perhaps," Kaifa suggested in a surprisingly placating voice, "it would be better if w-"

Adrian lost the rest of her sentence as Amor flew in from the front door, knocking into Drystan. She skidded a few steps back falling onto her butt with a thud. Not noticing Drystan looking down at her, she spoke loudly. "Guys. GUYS-"

Kaifa and Adira who had missed her entrance, spoke loudly to Cassie, drowning Amor's tirade. "Cassie, you can't -"

On the sofa Sebastian stomped his foot on the floor, crumpling another paper and throwing it at the wall again. "Fu-"

"Okay. Enough." Drystan spoke loudly, interrupting the mayhem. "Everybody, calm down." He sidestepped Amor, looking towards the corner of the porch where the leaves of the ritual were hidden cleverly, only noticeable to those who knew their location. Stepping back into the room, he spoke with a quiet authority, "What's going on?"

A beat of silence passed then everybody attempted to speak at once, clamoring over each other. 

"Cassie has this ide-"

"The packs are absolu-"

"The moon is -"

"By the moon!" Drystan stomped his foot comically making Sebastian snort. "Okay. Let's start one by one." He pointed to Amor who was literally jumping on the floor in anticipation, "Why don't you start?"

"Wait," Adira said. Drystan looked at her impatiently, making Adrian give him a look. Drystan schooled his look immediately, his mouth twitching in a grin. 

Adira spoke and Adrian turned towards his beautiful mate. "Should we wait for Belv and Sana?"

Seb, Eden, Amor, and Adira immediately turned to look at him. How would he know? 

"It's up to the Royals," he stated quietly.

The Lycans seemed to be engaged in a staring competition. 

Drystan looked away first. "We have to be safe, Kaifa."

"He saved Amri!"

Drystan shook his head firmly, not budging. "Sana has always done things for a reason. Until I know the reason, I'm not trusting him. And besides, I don't even know if Belv will stick around this time. I don't know if she's already contacted him."



Kaifa sighed, looking down and shrugging. "Fine. Amor, start."

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