Chapter 42 (Edited)

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Percy POV

The army was huge, with Prometheus and Oceanus leading the fun. 

Calypso POV

I snapped my fingers, and my white dress turned into white armor with an wolf-shaped helmet, just like Percy's, except that his was black and mines was white. Percy made it for me one day in the Void. 

My boyfriend smiled at me. "You ready?" He asked. I smirked and nodded. 

Before I could say anything else, he charged. 

Percy POV

I drew Flamebringer and started incinerating monsters like a maniac. 

I cut a path through the monsters and I reached Prometheus. 

He glared at me and he drew a Celestial Bronze sword. "Jackson, this ends now!" 

To annoy him, I yelled; "Khefa!"

The symbol appeared on top of him:

He got sucker punched ten feet away from me

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He got sucker punched ten feet away from me. He got back up, looking pissed off. I grinned at him. I controlled the ichor in his body and made him freeze, unmoving, so that the Titan couldn't defend himself. I flashed him the middle finger and I tapped him on the head with my spear. He burst into flames and burned alive in front of me, screaming. I then proceeded to vomit on top of the nearest telekhine, who I then killed. 

Oceanus roared in fury and charged at me. 

I yelled; "Maw!" 

100 gallons of water appeared on top of him

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100 gallons of water appeared on top of him. Before the water touched him, I tossed Thurisaz the rune of Thor. 

The symbol of the rune materialized on top of the Titan. 

A thunderbolt appeared above the Titan of the sea

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A thunderbolt appeared above the Titan of the sea. Water and electricity combined struck Oceanus, electrifying him in front of me, screaming. I then proceeded to vomit once again on another telekhine. 

"I'm Electric!" I yelled. Calypso rolled her eyes. 

Then, a primordial materialized in front of me. 

Perseus Jackson BetrayedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora