Chapter 23

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Percy POV

"Mayan god?" I asked, confused even more. 

Hurakan chuckled. "Yes, I am an Mayan god. There are other mythologies as well for your information, Mayans are just one of them. Any other questions?" Hurakan said. 

"Yes. Why am I here?" I asked. 

"You are here because I need to train you, and you will explore a lot of other pantheons as well." 

"Okay..., but one last question, what exactly am I going to be trained in, and what about my friends, they'll think I'm missing!" I exclaimed. The god smiled. "Don't worry, I left them a note saying that you'll be gone for a while. For your training, I have a gift for you."

Hurakan held out his hand, and a sword appeared in his hand. It looked like a khopesh, but it was different, and it looked more Greek, and it was the darkest shade of black I had ever seen. "This is a kopis sword, which is the Greek version of the khopesh. But this sword is mainly used for killing gods. I trust that you'll use it wisely." Hurakan said. I nodded. I decided to name the sword Godslayer. 

"You'll be trained in mostly your fire, storm, and wind powers. First up is fire. Shall we begin?" Hurakan held up his hands, and they set ablaze. I set myself on fire. "The best fire combat style that works good against gods is hand-to-hand combat." 

5 days later

Percy POV

I've gotten better with using my storm powers now. I can now easily defeat Hurakan himself at  combat, and its really fun. 

Hurakan materialized in front of me. "I'm bringing some friends for today, which will be your last day of training." He snapped his fingers, and some other Mayan gods materialized in front of us. 

"Let's introduce ourselves." Said one of them. 

"I am Ah-Muzen-Cab, the Mayan god of bees."

"I am Ah-Puch, the Mayan god of death."

"I am Alon, the Mayan god of the sky." 

"I am Camazotz, the Mayan god of bats."

"I am Chaac, the Mayan god of rain."

"I am Itzamna, the Mayan god of the moon."

"I am Itzam-yee, the Mayan god of birds."

"I am Jun Jun'ajpu', the Mayan god of maize."

"I am K'ukumaz, the Mayan god of the sea." 

"I am Nakon, the Mayan god of war."

"I am Yum Balam, the Mayan god of jaguars."

"I am Ixchel, the Mayan goddess of the moon and beauty."

"I am Ixkawkaw, the Mayan goddess of caocao trees and chocolate."

"I am Ixtab, the Mayan goddess of people who were sacrificed or died a violent death."

 "I am Acan, the Mayan god of wine."

"I am Bacab, the Mayan god of the earth and thunder."

"I am Cabrakan, the Mayan god of mountains and earthquakes."

"I am Xaman Elk, the Mayan god of travelers and merchants."

"I am Ek Chuaj, the Mayan god of warriors."

"I am Zipacna, the Mayan god of crocodiles."

"You'll be meeting our friends the Aztec gods later, but your final test is to fight us all." I frowned. "Why, You know, that I'll get beaten up." I complained. Nakon chuckled. "We promise that we won't kill you. In fact, the least we will do is knock you out. For us to win, we have to knock you out by force. For you to win, we have to say that we yield or you have to knock us out. Ready? Lets begin." They all drew swords and charged at me. 

I sighed. This was going to be a long day. 

Perseus Jackson Betrayedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें