Chapter 20

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Jason POV

There have been monster attacks pretty much every day . Percy handles them just fine, but I think that given time, we might lose. Henry boasts that he could take on more than what we're currently dealing with, but none of us believe him. Every Friday, Percy beats us up at Capture the Flag. I 'm guessing that he has also forgiven Annabeth, but he's made it clear that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her anymore. 

We're pretty much under siege here at Camp Half-Blood. From what I've heard, Camp Jupiter was attacked. Most of the Romans survived, but they had to flee to here. Mount Olympus has been annihilated, forcing the gods themselves to retreat to here. 

The horn blew, signaling an attack. 

Percy has probably already taken care of it, but I'll join him. 

2 minutes later

Jason POV

When I arrived at the scene, Percy was already there. Next to him were several small piles of golden dust. 

I rolled my eyes. "So I'm guessing that you've already taken care of the situation." I said. Percy grinned smugly. "You're too slow." 

I drew my gladius. "Lets see about that." I said. Percy grinned smugly yet again. "In the arena."

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