Midwest Soybean Society

131 2 0

3rd person~

"Excuse me." Liana says to a woman at a table fixing the letters on a sign.

"Uff da. You snuck up on me there." She says with glee.

"If you're looking for the cookies we don't put 'em out till 3:00."

"I can hardly wait." Five replies.

"Uh, do you happens to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?"

"Sure do. Muskellunge Banquet Room." The woman gladly points to a room.

"You looking for your mom? She in for the convention?"

"Hey, do you have any change?" Liana pulls out a dollar and offers it to the woman.

"Oh, sure, I'll just look in my purse." The woman takes the dollar and sips open her fanny pack.

"Only a nickel and a couple of dimes."

"Oh! You.. are.. in luck, missy." She hands Liana some coins.

"Thanks." Liana looks at the coins.

"You know, some say the best luck is to die at the right time."

Five hums and walks off and he follows

They walk down the hall and Liana stops at a vending machine.

She puts the coins in and presses the buttons, the candy bar gets stuck in the machine and doesn't fall out.

She furrows her brows and presses the buttons over again and is starting to get irritated with the machine.

"Jesus Christ, come on!" She spits out in anger shaking the machine.

Five just stands and watches her get angry with the machine with a smirk on his face.

"Stupid frickin' Fudge Nutter." She says shaking and kicking the machine.

"Fucking Fudge Nutter!" At this point she's just taking out her anger on this poor machine.

Electricity is sparking in her eyes and hands.

"Ah!" She screams out in anger pushing herself away form the machine and she shoves her boot straight into the machine.

Electricity violently surged through her body and straight out her leg making the kick even more aggressive.

The vending machine's snacks explode and the glass shatters completely.

Thankfully no one was around to see.

She pants as the electricity surging through her body calms down and dissipates.

Five is staring with concern in his eyes.

She clenches her fists and takes a deep breath.

"Let's go." She says walking past him.

He follows after raising his brows a little.

She drags her finger along the side of a cake and lick the frosting, she offers the finger to Five and he sucks the frosting off.

He looks around and grabs a fire axe.

"Shit there aren't any other weapons." He looks around.

"Mm, I'm fine." She says with electricity sparking from her hands.

He nods and they walk into the meeting room.

"Let's move on to article 17, please." AJ Carmichael says.

The two teens walk into the doorway.

"You two!" He says recognizing them.

"Call security!"

A woman goes to the phone but Five chops off her hand.

Liana smiles at Five and forms blades of electricity in her hands

She pounces at a board member and slices his abdomen open.

They both continue to brutally murder all of the board until only AJ is left.

Liana gets up onto the table and walks down the long table stepping over a dead man.

She stands over AJ who's cowering behind the table.

Five jumps beside her.

"She sent you didn't she?" AJ asks.

"Does it really matter now?" Five replies.

"Whatever she offered you, I will double it, triple it." AJ offers frantically.

"We're not doing this for money." Liana spits at him with electricity sparking in her eyes.

Suddenly the woman from the lobby tackles her off of the table.

Five also falls off of the table.

The woman is holding onto Liana and she struggles to break free.

"Get off of me!" Liana says trying to get the woman off of her without hurting her.

Five is watching this all go down and is slightly entertained by it.

"You're gonna pay for the vending machine, little miss." The woman spits at her.

"Oh, yeah?" Liana replies before elbowing her arm forcing her to release her.

"Look, I don't wanna hurt you, all right?" She says to the woman.

"Hurt me?" The woman punches her in the jaw.

"Oh, I ain't afraid of you, you little pus ball."

"Okay, fine." Liana violently punches her in the face knocking her out.

Five looks to the left and notices that AJ is gone.

"Shit." He gets up and grabs a cricket bat.

He grabs Liana's hand and blinks them in front of AJ in the hallway.

"Surely we can come to some form of agreement that benefits both parties." AJ pants.

"Quid pro quo?"

"Why not?" Five shrugs.

"Here's your quid." He hits him in the side.

"Here's your pro." He hits him in the knee making him fall to his knees.

He sighs and hands the bat to Liana.

She smiles and looks back at the fish.

"And here's your quo." She swings the bat and smashes AJ's head tank.

They both look down at the squirming fish on the ground.

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