The Umbrella Academy

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"Not only have you burglarized my lab, set my chimp loose, conned your way into the Mexican consulate, repeatedly stalked and attacked me, but you have, on numerous occasions, called me.." Dad says sternly.

Klaus sits down next to him with a drink in his hand.

"Hey, Pop. How's it hangin'?"

"...Dad." Our father finishes his sentence.

"My reconnaissance tells me you're not CIA, not KGB, certainly not MI5, so.. who are you?"

My siblings look like they don't know what to say.

"We're your children." I speak up.

Dad looks at me funny.

"We're from the future."

"In 1989, you adopted us all and trained us to fight against the end of the world."

"Called us the Umbrella Academy."

Dad furrows his brows.

"Why on earth would I adopt seven-"

"Eight." Allison corrects him.

"One of us isn't here."

"Dead. Of off us is dead." Diego cuts in.

"Yeah. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. Enough of that now." Klaus turns to look at nothing.

We all stop and stare.

He turns back and motions for us to continue.

"Regardless, what would possess me to adopt eight ill-mannered malcontents." Dad continues.

"We all have special abilities." Five says.

"Special? In what sense?" Dad asks.

"In the superpower sense." Luther answers for Five.

"Call me old fashioned, but I'm a stickler for a pesky little thing called.. evidence." Dad responds.

"Show me."

"Everybody wants to see powers all of a sudden." Allison scoffs and sips her drink.

"We're not circus animals, okay?" Luther retorts to our father's request.

"We're not gonna bounce balls on our noses and clap our hands like seals."

Diego throws a knife awfully close to our father's head and curves it to hit a pillar.

Dad starts to write something down and we all lean in trying to see what he's writing.

"What are you writing?" Diego asks.

"You are 0 for 2, young man." Our father remarks.

Diego pounces at him and Five blinks in front of him stopping him.

"Stop!" Five whispers.

"Sit down!"

"Now that is interesting." Dad says.

"All right, uh, quick rundown. Luther: super strength. Liana: electricity manipulation. Klaus can commune with the dead. Allison can rumor anyone to do anything." Five sits back down next to me.

"Except she never uses it." Diego says.

"I heard a rumor you punched yourself in the face." Allison rumors Diego making him punch himself in the face.

"Aah! Damn it!" He groans holding his face.

"And you?" Dad turns to Vanya who hasn't spoken a word this whole time.

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