Número Uno

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"Five." Diego says walking into the room.

"Hey, Diego." I greet him

"You look good in white."

Diego sits down.

"About time you showed up." Diego says.

"How'd you know id be back?" I ask.

"Because that's the kind of shit you pull." Diego spits at me.

Well he doesn't seem too happy with me.

"Where are the others?" I ask.

"Well, other than Liana I have no idea." He sighs.

"You know where Liana is?" I say hoping I can get to her next.

"Yeah, she actually visits me from time to time."  He replies folding his arms.

"Do you know where she lives?" I quickly ask.

He doesn't respond for a second then sighs.

"106 Briergate Ln"

"Okay, okay." I nod and nutter to myself.

"How long have you been here?" I look back up at him.

"75 days." He replies.

"Landed in the alley behind.."

"Commerce and Knox." We say in unison.

"You?" He looks up at me.

"Got here this morning." I reply.

"How'd you find me?" Diego asks.

I scoff and pull out the newspaper clipping.

"Page 16. Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley."

"That's Lee Harvey Oswald's house."

"Care to explain?"

"Let's just say that's Dallas Law Enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt to stop the assassination of.. John F. Kennedy." Diego leans in closer.

"Diego, that's because it hasn't happened yet." I lean in.

"And it's not going to happen. Not on my watch." Diego states.

"Look, I've been shaving down the bars in my room. Another day or two, and I'll be out of this place, then I'm gonna stop Oswald and save the president. You want in, say the word." Diego winks at me.

I furrow my brows at my brother's incredibly stupid plan.

"Listen to me very closely, you gibbering moron. You are not going to do a goddamn thing." I say quietly leaning in.

"Why not?" Diego asks.

"Because we have to stop the apocalypse." I retort.

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