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3rd person~

"What's your game crazy lady?" Liana says.

"Who cares? You said if you saw me again you'd kill me." Lila replies.

"Oh, I remember." Liana narrows her eyes at her.

"Well, come on big talker, let's get this done." Lila chuckles.

"All right." Liana says before throwing a punch at her.

Lila ducks and punches her in the jaw.

Liana swears she felt a slight shock of electricity.

Lila chuckles and runs past her.

Liana runs after her, as she's quite fast she catches up to her and elbows her in side making her yelp and fall to the ground.

Liana stands in front of her and Lila gets up.

Liana flips and kicks her in the face with the heel of her boot before turning and kicking her again.

They engage in hand to hand combat and Lila ends up punching her in the boob and kneeing her in the gut making Liana fall onto the ground.

Five blinks in front of his fallen wife and kicks Lila in the stomach making her stumble back.

He runs after her but she cartwheels over a table.

He turns the corner and she's gone.

"I'm waiting." Lila says from behind him leaning on a wall.

He turns and looks confused and she smiles, he blinks and she's gone again.

She laughs from behind him.

"Fed up yet, Five?"

He looks around and grabs a rusty pipe and blinks.

Instead of hitting Lila he hits an electrical box.

Lila tries to kick him but he blocks it and Liana comes up behind her and kicks her ankle making her thud to the ground.

Liana steps on her neck.

"You're better than I thought." Lila spits out.

"And you fight like you're 12." Liana says with a snarky tone and a smug look on her face.

"You can come out now." Five calls out.

Heels click and the handler walks out.

"Well done."

"You figured it out."

"Well, it wasn't very difficult." Liana replies.

"She fights like every one of you Commission drones."

"No matter, here we are." The handler hums.

"Together again."

"I've gotta ask.. did you miss me, you little shits?"

Lila coughs and laughs.

Liana presses down even harder making her choke and struggle grasping her leather boot.

"You've got a good nose." The handler says.

"You know, planting her in a psych ward, taking advantage of my simpleton brother, that was smart." Five replies.

"Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." She says looking at her daughter.

Liana looks up at her with a confused look.

"Wait, she's your-"

"Daughter." The handler confirms her suspicion.

"Yes. And she's my only one so I'd appreciate it if you didn't crush her windpipe."

Liana sighs and releases her.

Lila cries out and gets up.

"I am so going to enjoy killing you someday." She gets in Liana's face and Liana smiles at her.

"You too, you pompous shit." She looks at Five.

"Lila, darling, would you give us a minute, please?" The handler requests sweetly.

"Yes, the grown ups need to talk." Five agrees.

"Run along." Liana gets back into Lila's face.

Lila reluctantly walks off and slaps a metal can off of a table.

"What is it you want?" Five spits at the handler.

"Do you two like jazz?" She asks.

Liana furrows her brows and narrows her eyes folding her arms.

"I'd rather lick a cheese grater." Five replies.

"Aww." The handler coos.

"Jazz is like a beautiful woman." She walks past the two and behind some rusty barrels.

"Complex, emotional, hard to please. She doesn't just give it to you.. she makes you work for it."

"I'm hoping you're actually going somewhere with this." Liana turns to her.

"Under my leadership, the Commission would sound more like.. jazz." The handler walks back up to them.

"And what about the board of directors?" Five reminds her.

"Well, that's where you both come in." She taps their noses.

"Nope. No, it isn't." Liana states.

"In exchange for the assassination of the board, I'm willing to get you and your family out of this timeline.."The handler walks behind them making them turn.

"..and back to 2019 where you belong."

"And what about World War III that's due or kick off in just a few days?" Five asks.

"Once you and your siblings are gone, that goes away." The handler replies.

"And the apocalypse when we get back to 2019?" Liana asks.

"That too." The handler assures them.

"You know, I distinctly remember you telling us that that apocalypse had to happen, that it was supposed to happen." Liana spits at her.

"Back then I was towing the company line, but once I'm in charge.." The handler gets behind them both and rubs up on them.

She sways and mimics a jazz rhythm.

"...we can riff."

"Jazz." They both say in realization.

"Exactly." The handler walks back in front of them.

Five walks off rubbing his neck and Liana just looks down thinking.

"What about the board of directors, hmm?" Five hums.

"Right, nobody knows who they are." Liana agrees.

"Correct. But once every fiscal quarter they get together for a board meeting." The handler explains.

"Where?" Five asks.

"The question is when." She corrects him.

"They meet somewhere in the timeline but never in the same place twice. The exact location and date of these board meetings is the most closely guarded secret in the Commission."

"But you know where it's gonna be, don't you?" Five replies.

"Would I be any good at what I do if I didn't?" She smiles.

"We need some time to think about it." Liana states walking off.

Five follows.

"Fine." The handler says.

"But remember, doomsday's right around the corner, and the way things are going, I'm your only option."

"Not yet you aren't." Five scoffs before blinking them out.

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