Sick Bastard

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3rd person~

Liana is laying on Five's bed unconscious with an IV in her arm.

The bottom half of her shirt is unbuttoned as her mother begins to tape down the gauze on her wound.

Five is in a chair next to the bed holding her hand and rubbing it softly.

"Anything?" Diego asks Allison as they stand in the doorframe.

"There's no answer at Vanya's place." Allison replies.

"And the receptionist at her music school said she was a no-show for her lessons today."

Diego nods and walks off.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. I don't know, it's just surreal seeing her." He refers to his mother.

"I just wanna tell her that I'm s-" He almost let's it slip that he was the one that turned off his mother making Allison look at him funny.

"We don't have enough time. We gotta go."

"I don't know. Diego." She says.

"Liana is laying there, unconscious. And Five isn't going to leave her side. We need them."

"We can do this ourselves." Diego retorts.

"We did that already, remember?" She reminds him that they already died trying.

"We all ended up dead."

"I don't know. I'm just.. I'm thinking maybe I should go and see Claire before-"

"You can't run away from this, Allison." He cuts her off.

"That's what started this whole mess in the first place."

"Luther was right."

"I didn't think I would ever hear you say those words." She scoffs.

"Yeah, well.. we gotta stick together." He sighs.

"Where do we start?" She folds her arms.

"There's no other addresses in the file but there is another relation listed. Jenkins's grandmother." He explains.

"She lived near Jackpine road." He turns to go down the stairs.

"You think he took her there?" She follows him.

"It's a good enough place to start." He responds and they both walk down the stairs.


"Wakey, wakey!" Klaus says obnoxiously ringing a bell whilst walking down the hall.

"Eggs and bakey!" He sings.

Luther walks out of his room half naked.

"Oh, there's the man." Klaus exclaims.

"Someone pulled a disappearing act last night. What mischief did you get into?" He looks over at the girl in his bed.

"What? I didn't." Luther says.

"Oh, no? Maybe I should ask her. Hello." Klaus shakes the bell greeting the naked girl.

Luther closes the door making Klaus laugh.

"Oh, come on, don't be so shy, big guy. You needed it!"

"Not a lot of ladies on the moon, I assume. And all that.. pressure resting on those big.. hairy shoulders."He chuckles.

"Klaus, enough." Luther says trying to make him shut up.

Klaus stops laughing and a look of realization is plastered onto his face.

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