The Majestic Twelve

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3rd person~

Five blinks him and Liana into a closet.

"The president is continuing to make inquiries into Roswell and the other crash sites gentlemen." One of the Majestic Twelve says.

"And, as you know, we cannot allow him to get his nose into our business. I've confirmed the motorcade will indeed be turning left on Elm Street. We'll have out people in place."

"Gentlemen, this plan of yours seems ill-timed." Reginald puts his monocle on.

Their eyes widen as they recognize his voice.

"It's going to be a turkey shoot." A man reassures him.

Liana moves and accidentally bumps into a hanger causing a soft clatter.

Reginald turns and looks at the closet.

"Dad?" Five whispers.

"Shh." Reginald grabs a sharp fireplace poker and slowly walks towards the closet.

Five and Liana back up and before he could stab them with the poker he blinks them out into the hallway.

Liana exhales in relief.

They turn and see one of the swedes.

"Shit." Liana says.

He grabs her and slams her into a wall then throws her into the wall to her left.

She grunts at the impact and falls to the dcvground.

Five blinks behind him and kicks him in the back of his knee making him kneel.

He tries to snap his neck but the swede throws Five over him slamming him onto the ground

He groans in pain.

The swede tries to punch him but he blinks behind him.

He tries to use his powers but they aren't working.

The swede immediately punches him in the face and starts to beat him to shit.

Liana gets up and is about to pounce at the big man when another swede grabs a handful of her hair and yanks her back making her yelp.

He holds onto her hair and punches her in the gut with brass knuckles and she cries out in pain from the hard punch.

He lets go of her hair and tightly wraps his hands around her neck.

She gasps and chokes grasping and clawing at his hands trying to break free.

She quickly kicks him hard in the groin with her heel.

He lets go of her neck and groans in pain stumbling back.

She coughs and gasps for air.

"Guys.." Diego walks up the stairs and sees the two teens getting pummeled.

The third swede chokes him with a cord and pulls him back.

The swede with brass knuckles punches Liana across the face and throws her to the ground.

He walks over to Diego and punches him in the gut and starts to punch him in the face.

Diego kicks him and he falls to the ground giving him time to pull out a knife and throw it at him.

But he misses and the swede gets up and punches him again.

The other swede is now able to take on both teens as they're both weak enough to just throw around and punch with ease.

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