Family Barbecues

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"Hey, I'm going to find Vanya." I say walking into the room we claimed.

She's laying on the bed lifting her head tiredly as she was taking a nap

"You coming with?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." She gets up tiredly yawning.



I spot my sister hiding behind some corn.

I push the stalks out of the way.

"Hi, Vanya." I smile despite the fact that she had put me through something horrific.

"Who are you?" She asks standing up.

"I'm your sister." I retort.

"And this is your brother."

Five smiles and waves at her.

"I have a brother and sister?" She says looking a bit confused.

"Look, you can either stay here and wait for the IKEA mafia to come back and kill you or you can come with us." Five says walking off and I follow hoping she'll come with.

"Why are they trying to kill me?" Vanya asks following us through the corn.

"Because you're not supposed to be here, Vanya." Five retorts.

"In Dallas?" She asks sounding confused.

"No. Here, in 1963." Five explains.

We walk out into a large crop circle I'm assuming she made.

"Holy shit." She says looking astounded by the circle.

"Yeah, pretty wild, right?" I say.

"It's good to see your powers are still intact. Let's go." Five walks away and we follow.


The police officer at the front desk if the police station is unwrapping his lunch and notices the lights flicker a bit.

He doesn't think anything of it and continues to unwrap his lunch revealing an egg sandwich.

Four holes squish into the sandwich.

"What in tarnation." He says looking at the squished sandwich.

The sandwich starts to float and is thrown into a door making him back up and reach for his gun.

The typewriter starts tying very slowly.

He walks up to it and it reads: Free Chestnut Or... Die

The police officer looks startled and looks around frantically.



Ben comes out of the room looking real smug.

"Don't gloat." I say.

He blows a finger gun at me while he walks away.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever."

"You. You got me out?" Ray says.

"I told you I had friends in high places." I remark.

"I don't know what to say." Ray says fixing his watch.

"Don't say a word. Anything for family brother." I hug him.

"Well, Okay. We are all brothers beneath the skin." Ray replies thinking I meant brother brother.

"No. No, literally." I pull away and take off my sunglasses.

"You're my brother-in-law."

"What?" He says.

"Yeah, man. Welcome to the family." I pat his arm.

"Family barbecues are about to get real weird."

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