D.S Umbrella

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3rd person~

"Of course Dad would be involved in the assassination. I should've known." Diego says.

"No, you're jumping to conclusions." Five replies.

"What the hell else is he doing standing on the grassy knoll, holding an open black umbrella on a sunny day in Dallas the exact same moment the president gets shot?" Diego yells at him.

"This doesn't look good, I admit." Five retorts.

"No, he's the signalman for the whole goddamn thing." Diego insists.

"Easy, Diego." Five says.

"No, It makes sense. This is what Hazel was obviously trying to tell you." Diego persists.

"We have to stop Dad from killing the president."

"Okay, Diego,  calm down." Liana speaks up shaking her head.

"Dad wasn't a saint, but presidential assassination? It's never really been his thing." She says as she leans on the counter.

"How would you even know?" Diego says in a low voice.

"You two skipped out on his golden years."

"Skipped out?" Liana scoffs and walks up to him.

"You think we had it easy, Diego?"

"We were alone for 45 years." She growls at him getting in his face.

Slight electricity sparks from her fingers and in her eyes.

Diego looks a little scared by the electricity in her eyes, most definitely due to the fact that she almost killed him back in 2019.

Lila looks intrigued by the slight showcase of her powers.

"Liana." Five says placing his hand on her shoulder.

The electricity fades away.

"We don't have the time for this anyway." She spits at him walking back to the counter.

"Dad's clearly in Dallas, right? Let's just go talk to him." Five says.

"Maybe he can help us fix the timeline."

"Dallas is a big place." Diego replies.

"We need to find him first."

"Gee, if only we had some magical, old timey way to find people and their addresses." Liana says sarcastically.

She plops the address book onto the table and flips it open.

"Let's start simple. His name." Five says.

She looks for his name.

"Nope, no Hargreeves." She says.

"Try his company, D.S Umbrella Manufacturing Co." Diego suggests.

"Thanks." She says sarcastically.

"I know the name." She mutters passive aggressively.

She flips through the book and spots the address.

"Huh." She says.

"D.S Umbrella. 82 Olive." She points to the address.

"Let's go." Diego walks off and they follow.

"He okay to leave here like that?"

"Yeah, he's fine." Five retorts.

"What about the girl?" Liana asks.

They turn and Elliott is trying to get their attention.

Lila is gone.

"Shit." Diego says walking back to find her.

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