104 - 3 hours of petting

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What her mind had forgotten, her body remembered and every single fight she had had during the Solstice with a single minded goal of - 'I want 3 hours of pets' condensed into a series of slashes, steps, spells, and movements that surprised yet excited Cookie as he reacted to each. She was no match for him, but--

"46 seconds," Kenneth let out a breath, having timed it. She was smiling, looking like she had somewhat expected it, though.

Berno was standing against the wall, arms crossed, expression amazed and Ruralen was no better. Looked like Bermont, Uriah, Chilli, and Hedwig had fully expected it as well, though.

And as soon as Cookie lifted his arm, Ian rolled up, rolled into his stomach and - "Pet me!" she had earned it and snuggled up. Cookie put down his hands to do exactly that with a smile that was brimming with happiness. And for the following three hours she was petted, snuggled, kissed, then driven a bit crazy, learning a hundred different things she had no idea about in ears and tails, but he did not let it escalate till he was done.

She had him for lunch, did some of the things back to see them work, but as she reluctantly left for her nap with Paisley, he kissed the nape of her neck with "Let's repeat that for six hours when you can last three minutes," and she prayed to repeat that and the title [Petting] firmly set in among Cookie's roles as a God.

"What's the next goal?" Kenneth asked at dinner.

"Three minutes," Ian replied with a happy smile, there was a floating sense in her that there were six people other than Ceruleum and Riveria among Purple's guests very worth sparring with if she wanted to reach that quicker. But extra training would need to wait till around March 12th or after they get the Cookie army from Sirens. For now, she'd do her best to learn all she can about Cookie, spar with him plenty and brew.

Ian had hefty meals when she did have them because she opted to have people for meals or have some cooking/brewing fun pretty often in their place, but she had an intuition that Argento was perfectly happy to be raised on tons of ambrosia, love and meat piles when she did have them and it did not look like any of her Gods minded skipping some meals along with her to brew or cook something amusing or become her meal either, and there were breaks and naps with kids sprinkled in as well.

It was hard at first, but the routine worked and got easier as days passed. Flinn's wedding was gorgeous - Spencer had outdone himself to make the most magical, romantic deck possible and looked happily smug when they all made amazed looks at it. Elves had all helped and many of the flowers all around were living ones grown in small hidden pots and they said the guests might as well have them as souvenirs when they go home. A bit magical blooming flowers that would keep blooming for about a month more before bringing seeds that could be planted outdoors once spring comes.

The ceremony itself was way more solemn feeling than Ian would have ever expected of Flinn, but it wasn't stuffy or put-up to be that way, it just turned out that way through sincerity.

The patrol guys all laughed about Ian being tiny, but said she looked completely fine, saying they expected her to be sluggish and like, but -

"I trained hard!" Ian said crossing her arms, she was good now and then they all got psyched out about Cookie (saying it made complete sense Ian would go for that) and got distracted by Ruri and then both Flinn's and Ian's eyes stopped on a familiar figure who now had very nice muscles--

"You did well!" Ian said patting Bond's boyfriend's pecs. That was the guy Ian had turned off with the training menu talk.

"What a small world," Flinn noted with a smile. And seeing the curious looks from Emma and Bond, the guy made a wry smile and -

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