95 - Event prep

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And they were done with the meal and Ian asked if Uriah wanted to nap with her and Uriah did and after napping and playing a bit, Ian went to catch some thunderbirds to guard her and Cookie, and Bermont tagged along too, and they brewed a cauldron of ambrosia with an Uriah theme getting something sky blue and shimmering soft foam-like in texture, it was a warm drink and it was December already--

They all smiled and went home to capture Uriah and pour her a glass and each got some too, they had missed lunch, so might as well snack along.

"Why does it feel like my next egg will also be there in three years?" Uriah asked. Wei shrugged. Bermont smiled and drank a mug as well and they got a bit too much and all ended up upstairs and Wei ended up getting too close and familiar with the thunderbirds. All of them. But they all seemed perfectly happy with it at dinner. And it didn't look like Ying and Fang minded either.

"Kenneth," Avianna, one of the thunderbirds asked at dinner, "We all made kids with Wei, where can we set up a nest to keep the eggs?"

Wei had a poker face.

Kenneth cracked up, "Good job, Wei," she said, then asked - "What kind of place do you need?" All their raiding team made 'whoo! Good going, Wei!' with teasing smiles and everyone else made congrats as well, clapping and congratulating.

Wei had an expression of 'end me please' about it all, but the thunderbirds happily accepted the congratulations.

"In a perfect scenario," another one spoke up, and they said that if the bedroom upstairs could be made higher, then a half-floor platform at one corner would be perfect - there was a strong aether flow in this house and a bedroom was a perfect place for eggs. They weren't too fragile, but having them on a half-floor not so easy to run into would be best. Kind of Open, but without a staircase leading up. They said they would need it in three months, so there was no rush, though. And that they were open for all the love they could get so their kids would also feel safe to hatch soon.

That was one thing no one needed to repeat in this house.

And so the days till the dinner event passed - talking in Aheal, brewing a pile of ambrosia, making love and being loved. Ian finally got to go pass over an egg with Bermont, it was pretty easy, they went, a human height snow-white and seemingly scaly egg formed and they placed it next to a bunch of others - there were four red ones, three blue ones and now a fourth white one got added to them.

"How long does it look like?" Bermont asked.

"Three years," Tiamat said, "You are very loved."

Bermont smiled as she turned back to be a male - "I am."

Tiamat made a curious look. "Why the change in reaction?"

"They said they would treat them like small but a bit older Kemos skill-wise and drag them along to do stuff and they will be just as great as any kids in the house," Bermont said, "And Ian said that if everyone hates them he'll make new exciting food in small amounts every day so they stay at home otherwise they'll miss it." Bermont's smile was warm as he said that.

"Can we touch them?" Beastie asked, a lot of people had come along for the passing over the egg event.

"Sure, be gentle," Tiamat said and they all went and touched all the eggs commenting like - 'Uriah's right?' and 'Riveria's egg-- Which one is with August?', and 'how long for each?' and Tiamat gave replies about them. And Ian gently snuggled up to each egg offering a prayer - 'grow well, hatch soon and come home,' to those coming to their homes, and 'may you be loved and grow well' for those going to August's home. Others, too, sensing what Ian was doing, snuggled up to the same eggs.

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