64 - Fast track

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They all exchanged looks and Sloane said - "Totally not a dungeon-raiding alchemist. His intuition does not act up against dark aligned things, he can eat most poisons, he is not weak, so most things do not register as a danger, even when there was that corrosive mist zone, he just casually phase-shifted and still felt no alarm. Chilli also doesn't react if Ian or Nelly, or Bermont are safe so the danger would need to be abnormal for her to panic. We were good because we didn't need one in this mission, but-- Grisham remove that alchemist tag from him at Guild APP, it's a sham."

"He's in an alchemist alliance as well, so if need be he can flash their ID card," Christine added to that.

"He's a god-tier cook," Royalty noted, "But that's a bonus if an alchemist is nice enough to cook, not the point."

"And I'm pretty sure he fed us aether cores at times and we ate up half the valuable alchemy ingredients," Mario added - "You'd forgive that once to a newb on the first raid, but a proper alchemist would not do that."

Amen. Ian fully agreed. "I also can't brew potions." He was happy to be called a god-tier cook, though, that was a great praise.

"No, Ian, we're drinking those now," Christine said, reminding that undead cooking was kind of alchemy. "You can brew those, but alchemists carry potions on them not brew them in a dungeon."

"Right, the only potions Ian does carry on him are haste potions he uses for sleeping," Mario noted.

"I actually have a lot of potions on me, but I've never seen any situation where they would be easier and faster to use than what we did," Ian said.

"No regular alchemist would say that ever," Mario said. "But that's the annoying alchemist part, not a useful part, so you pass."

Bro tilted his head - "I'll add that no alchemist would get his teammates drunk. That's an instant disqualification. Mario was so drunk yesterday he couldn't find his tent and Sloane was walking in a snake pattern."

"But that was some really good beer," Mario said. "I have no regrets."

"The wine was also delicious," Wei said, "but I think we must have had too much because I woke up snuggling with Paxton and Ying on the carpet, and Fang was in bed with Uriah, in wolf form, of course. I don't remember how we got there--"

Juniper and Christine said it was funny how Paxton pretended to dive into Wei's room just as Wei opened the door and just fell and passed out on the carpet. Uriah had asked if it was fine to stay in Wei's room and Wei had said - 'sure, feel free to use the bed, I'll lend you Fang for warmth,' and then 'Paxton will be cold on the floor, I and Ying will keep him warm.'

"Your drunk logic is something," Paxton said.

"I don't want to hear that from a carpet diver," Wei replied.

Uriah noted - "Fang has nice fur, you've taken good care of her and she's a good warmth source." Looked like he saw the logic in it.

Wei smiled at that and nodded. "I brush them two hours every morning so they are always shiny and fuzzy!" Fang also looked happy about the praise.

But they said it was fine - Christine, Juniper, and Lorenz were pretty sober so they split up watch duty and nothing happened like usual.

Grisham asked then - "And not as an alchemist?"

Christine smiled. "I'd be willing to recommend him as a platinum rank warlock."

Huh? That was surprising to hear--

Sloane nodded. "Agreed. He likes people, can negotiate, looks after the mood and energy in the group and diffuses things, I've never seen him get angry. Being that chill is no good for an alchemist in a dungeon, but a witch or a warlock needs to stay calm."

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