13 - Etiquette of a good witch

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Ian sighed as they walked down the Library's stairs. The stares from those shop attendants had been severe-- he felt lucky none of them called his colleagues in fear of Nelly being some kidnapped girl. He could handle that, but it would have been both embarrassing and a hassle. Flinn would tease the hell out of him later on.

What Nelly had said in the underwear section reminded Ian that Nelly and Chilli had seen too much. Suddenly learning you had some invisible room-mates was almost like realizing you had been feeling yourself around while your roomie was studying in the same room. Beyond awkward.

The librarians gave Nelly the same access August had arranged for him (and Chilli), familiars were treated somewhat as an extension of their master, and off Ian went to learn about Untrals.

Like in other sections, this one too had a catalogue and Ian opened it.

<Hello, Visitor. Let me give you some tips on using catalogues -

1)we are sentient, so it is okay to treat us like other sentient beings,

2)we have epic rank telepathy ability, as long as you are touching us, just 'strongly thinking' a question will reach us. Speech isn't necessary and it could bother other visitors.

3)we have epic rank charm skill, so we can peer into minds to some level; those opening us, by default, give us permission to peer into their minds in relation to the topic we are helping with. (The one in the native astrals section is an exception - I don't know under what logic she can tell about those astral encounters.)

4) yet, we are all under an oath to never reveal anything we see in minds to anyone, since it is all personal matter.

I'm telling you this, because you talked out loud to Hermione, I mean, another catalogue, and that gave me a feeling that you might not know much about us. Correct me if I'm wrong.>

'You are not wrong,' Ian tried to speak to the book in his thoughts. 'Thank you.' It did help to have an explanation. For a moment he had a fright thinking those books could read the entirety of his mind but turned out it was only about 'the topic they are helping with' and he didn't know much about those either way. At least, certainly not enough to fear others seeing it.

<Welcome. So, how may I help you?>

'A book on Untrals would help, something explaining what they are and what they can do in short,' Ian thought towards the book.

<You can start with "Effects of dimensional travel on Ureal body" by Mich Anders, shelf 5, row 3>

'Thank you,' Ian said and noted the location and title down on his phone, then went to find the book. Chilli was sitting on his head and Nelly was following along without saying anything or doing anything in particular.

As he pulled the book out, he asked. "Is there something you two would like to read?" Astrals did pick up information from the air, but Ian didn't know how that worked.

"Not now," Chilli said. "I would only get confused."

"I'm already confused," Nelly said like admitting defeat.

"...Due to air?" Ian asked.

Both of them nodded, although Ian could only see Nelly's nod, Chilli being on top of his head.

"Is it like information is being forced into your head?" Ian asked.

Both of them nodded.

Alright, guess that means it was okay to just read and let the two process their own thoughts. Thinking so, Ian sat down on the floor and opened the book.

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