57 - Adventure start

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Ian, Nelly, and Chilli had just had a relaxed breakfast with Knox and Kenneth, where the three had asked about the move and it sounded like the HQ would be transferred by Purple in the exact shape it was inside a mid-sized private library building in the central park.

It was now being adjusted to match up and fit, the only difference would be that the stuff in the floor under would now be in the floor above the office part and that they would have extra attic space which they can figure out how to use later. Probably ambrosia brewery.

Knox confirmed that he really would be joining and likely stay around for a year or two at least until he no longer craves human noise due to flesher-induced trauma. He said his intuition had it that Kenneth would likely make him do volunteer alchemy which Kenneth confirmed. Alchemy and cooking, ingredients provided.

Those two cursed books turned out to be enough to pay for everything - Grisham hogged them right up and, in exchange, gave them the prime property with all transfer services included. They would also now have windows with nature scenery all around, direct underground parking, etc - a beautiful deal and due to Grisham getting all Portal services under Guild's management all 63 (64 with Knox) Police members would be together now. Having an extra person who can cook would serve them well.

And when the meal was done, they got Purple to send them on their way--

Grisham was holding a book by a mangrove-overgrown cave with a red film covering its entrance. The surroundings were warm and tropical, the air scented of orchids.

Ian popped up when everyone else was already there - there was, of course, Lorenz, looking proud, Sloane and Royalty form Willow clan were smiling, Ian recalled battling them and losing - they could shoot wind blades and fire arrows at a railgun pace, Sloane had leaf green hair and eyes, Royalty had blazing red hair and blue eyes.

Then there was, to Ian's surprise, Wei Hue, black-haired youth with golden eyes with two oversized black wolves next to him, this was Ian's first time seeing him. Next was Mario Johnson, a necromancer who was betting on the drinking event at the second party. Juniper Bartoli was a blonde beauty with a bob cut who swung around axe in battle uncanningly similarly to how dwarves did, but right now she was just standing with arms crossed, she had also defeated Ian.

Paxton Brown was a thirty-something rugged-looking gun user who had also defeated Ian. Christine Delta, no.10 in witch listings, was a raven-haired and eyed beauty. She had defeated Ian by catching him in a shadow bind and sat on him to show her superiority. They all looked to be in a pretty good mood.

"Since you are all here now, let me grant you permits," Grisham said without wasting time and they all walked up to him, letting him draw a sign over their bracelet or badge - at platinum rank, there were variations in appearance but they were all made out of platinum, Ian's was silver.

"And -" he spoke up and held out a parchment scroll holding it towards Ian, so he came up and took it - "first-tier mapping rights, so for a month starting now no one else is granted passage."

Sloane and Royalty cast thumbs-ups in Ian's direction, Nelly returned it, since Ian's hands were busy and they both smiled.

Sloane and Royalty started walking towards the entrance so everyone else followed and Lorenz approached and caught on to Ian's upper arm without disturbing Chilli.

"Lil bro', you might pass the map to Chilli," he said and Ian did and soon they all passed a red seeming shimmering film heading inside. And first thing he knew they were surrounded by a delicious scent. Dark aligned astrals.

Without waiting for an invitation, the two of them ran forward as Chilli hovered a bit above not to get in the way and twenty minutes later the space was empty of the scent and two had gathered up a barrel of aether essence each, happily storing those away.

Policeman and the catOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant