103 - Siren males

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"Did you tell Mirose she was a Kemo?" Kenneth asked Neo at breakfast.

"Yep!" Neo said, "She was surprised and told me that in Ahea Kemos are called, uh-- species that are good by birth, so she said she would have an easy time, she's likely frying Purple right now."

"Does Purple often go to your house?" Kenneth asked and got a nod.

"He goes almost every breakfast since Stephanie has breakfast there with Carl and he likes to listen to their conversations," Neo said, then added that Stephanie makes her rooms into her domains anywhere and pops around them the same way dryads do. Carl's kitchen is her domain too so she goes to pick him up and often just takes him to their house for meals and brings them fruit from her domains.

"What do you think about Kemos being good by birth, was that the case in your world?" Kenneth asked.

"Those of us who hated humans had seriously screwed up childhoods," Neo said, "None of us hate them anymore, we got over it. But rather than Kemos, I think it's due to us being elves, because I'm not sure all of us count as Kemos - Lai is kind of like a mermaid or siren, He looks completely human when outside of water, but he's a guy and he can generate electricity in his body, he had no idea he could make a tail, but I said he smells like some kids in my past team who could make them and he figured it out. He has a long eel-like tail, it looks delicious."

Both sirens and mermaids were all ears-- "Can you bring him over?" Amora asked, looking very curious.

"I can ask if he's free after breakfast," Neo said and a phone popped up in his hand and typed stuff up. "I'll bring him over after we are done eating. I'd also like to swim in your fish tank, if that's ok."

"Sure!" Ian said and Mermaids and Sirens all nodded causing Neo to gain a happy smile.

"Can you bring over the other wolf sub-types?" Bela asked, her ears perked up. And Neo asked while he munched on food saying they agreed too.

"What else do you have?" Cookie asked and Neo filled in - Mirose and Kiri were cats, two were like odd angels but their wings were different, one was an elf but with lacewings, one was a mix of a goat, mouse and bat, one was a goat, one was a centipede - "Ray smells similar to Arachnes," Neo noted.

"The little girl with black eyes?" Nina asked. And Getting a nod she noted - "We were curious, but she was unwilling to tell us about herself, so we didn't ask further."

"Well, we tried to be secretive," Neo said, "but it does change something if we are existing species just sub-types, that means it's better we learn more about ourselves, that does open us a lot of future possibilities we didn't have or know about before. In one simulation, for example, Ray grew up and ate men, but if she's an Arachne type then that makes sense."

"How about you bring them all over if they are free so our curious family can take a look," Kenneth suggested, "if no one knows anything, they can just munch on whatever is in Spencer and stay for lunch, we can lend translation artifacts if anyone needs them."

Gardenia asked, switching to their language - "Is there anyone here who can't speak this language?"

"I have an accent," Ruri replied and he did have a faint accent, showing it wasn't that he couldn't speak at all, it just wasn't up to his standards, and the rest of them said the same thing, that yep - they all learned it, but that they had an accent and since everyone here speaks perfect fluent Aheal-- they never bothered to speak non-Aheal.

"It's a pain there are no language runes," Thea noted.

Gardenia noted - "We got some custom made for army's needs, but my superior said I could have some to share with Darling's family." Ustrina had a faint accent showing she had learned, but the rest of Spencer's family had perfect pronunciation. Kind of wasted on Gallus since he didn't speak at all, but turned out they did all understand.

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