49 - Time has come

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"This was a good lesson on how playboys roll," Madison noted.

"Incredible," Lorelei agreed.

"Never date a man with a six-pack, as they say," Maverick said. Ian was starting to get a feeling-- was Maverick envious?

Ian nodded. "True, a fighter has an eight-pack, six-pack ones lack lower body strength." Ian tried to keep a straight face but started smiling.

Maverick also couldn't keep a straight face, breaking into a disbelieving, yet amused smile. "Screw you, man."

"How do I join the Police?" Penelope asked.

Her friend was startled at Penelope, then nodded. "Me as well."

"Yes, the time has come," Lorelei added.

While in the background some dudes reminded Maverick that - as he himself said they literally ate each other, no matter how hot Layla looks Maverick would not survive it. Chilli also floated over to tell Maverick that Arachnes are not into muscular abdomens, they are into being liked.

She was also helpful in suggesting that if Arachnes were too scary for him another 'hot girl' type to go after that is into being liked, but doesn't care much about anything else is Sirens, but he needs breathing underwater skill, otherwise, he would drown. Then the conversation somewhat trailed into what ancient sailors used to be all about - the daily life of fishing, drinking and doing sirens.

Daniel checked - "Police work is basically exorcist work just with double non-seeing person pay? And the real bonus is the food, which can be used to get stronger if we eat mindfully?"

While Ian thought about it, Nelly offered to text and ask Kenneth about it, if he'd like to interview them or something.

Ian looked for Madison with his eyes, thinking if they hadn't floated completely into somewhere odd, but she seemed perfectly fine eating a second (or third) serving of gelato.

Grisham was doing the same as he asked - "What were you teaching them?"

"The ancient Necromancer wisdom of making use of opportunities that come your way," she replied, but then added that the plan was to talk about church, but none of them got teary eyes hearing about God of the Promised Land or a world without astrals, so what use was it to talk to them about Paladins when they failed the first prerequisite for becoming one. "They would end up like Lorenz if they tried, sick of it and then spend years on climbing another hierarchy."

"I'm not judging," Grisham said. "If half of them become sailors, and the other half splits into Police and Dungeon explorers, then that counts as nicely integrating into aether user society, but speaking about sailors--"

Grisham went over to Chilli to tell them that before they got that excited they needed to know how to fight Sea serpents. Sea serpents predated on Sirens, if they go in their territories they would encounter those. That didn't seem to be that much of a deterrent, though, they checked about it and Grisham admitted that exorcist and dungeon explorer work has similar danger levels all things considered. Beast territory sea was a wast dungeon of sorts - it had all kinds of treasures that could be harvested, gathered and found.

The lesson ended with Kenneth agreeing to meet all prospects together with Cindy on Sunday at the Guild Pub. Madison said that the next lesson she'll tell them where to get combat and arms use training for aether users, since they are all so gung-ho. Alchemists were on the plan next, but it did not look like any of them were all that into the idea of luxury slow lifestyle except the two who were already Alchemists and even those two were guilty of getting excited about a man's romance sea trip.

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