94 - Donuts

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[["What is Bermont?" Emma asked.

"A dragon," Flinn replied. "They fight off cosmic invaders and stuff. Because humans aren't there yet how people in other dimensions and galaxies are. We don't even have a cosmic fleet or anything. Is this crazy enough?"

"It is, especially since it's coming from a person who will likely come to work in female shape tomorrow pregnant with elf twins to soon marry in a dress with an immortal girl of a mysterious age who happily invites you to cheat on her," Emma noted.

"It's not cheating," Flinn said, "And Ian isn't cheating on Kenneth either even if he's pregnant with Cookie's child. To me, it looks like Ian and Kenneth are having a lot of fun teaming up to do stupid fun shit."

"Who is Cookie?" Emma asked next.

"Cook Willow, I never thought I'd say this, but I almost feel motivated to train my ass off just to be able to help in the effort to multiply his kind since Ian figured out how. But, I mean, only those ladies that feel like they'd be able to fight a Behemoth barehanded can handle having his children with no problems. Ian is happy out of his mind, but he's not ok."

"That sounds like an accurate standard, Flinn, how do you know about them?" Chen asked.

"Oh, I didn't, I just made a wild guess," Flinn said, "Behemoth sounds like something strong like an elephant sized bear, I don't know--"

"Double the size and It's more like a bull and lion mixture, it does shockwave attacks. Bermont said that the right way to hunt it is to throw a Sandworm in its nest, he said Behemoth is dumb and always falls for it - eats the worm, passes out from overeating and then you need to cover yourself in sandworm crap, sneak in and hunt it before it notices."

"Does Bermont do that?" Flinn asked.

Chen nodded. "You gotta do what you gotta do, meat isn't tasty if you hunt an agitated Behemoth. Cookie said that Behemoth crap works too and it doesn't matter what you throw in its nest, it doesn't realize someone is feeding it to hunt it."

"Okay and what if it notices and gets agitated?" Flinn asked.

"Run, those shockwaves burst eardrums and most die from a single hit, and the meat is now tough and disgusting, hunting attempt can be repeated only two centuries later."

Flinn nodded. "Guess it's impossible for me then."

"We can train," Chen made thumbs up, "Home has a lot of sparring partners, a decade of that and a few raids here and there and you'll be good! Brielle said they'd be happy to take you on raids with them and Knox said he'll gladly sign you up as his apprentice so your team gets passes to A class dungeons."

"Right-- they needed the party to have an alchemist for those. I can't imagine Kenneth or Knox signing up to cover themselves in beast shit to hunt something," Flinn noted.

"Not gonna," Chen nodded, "You are their best bet."

"I don't know crap about alchemy," Flinn said.

"Doesn't matter," Chen said, "Ian also became one in name only at first, dungeon alchemists only need to have a high appraisal skill level so they get intuition for which places are trapped and when it is a good idea to call off the raid and go home."

Flinn nodded in understanding like 'ok'. "You only go on those like for a month or so each year, right?" Flinn asked and Chen gave him a nod, "I can take my vacation to overlap with that to help out," he said.

"So you can tell if something is trapped or dangerous?" Emma asked, everyone was focusing on food, but they were listening in with interest.

"Yes, I'm the same with Grayson, but Appraisal is a developed skill while Divination is a born talent. I've been sleeping around since age 17, I had to pick up a lot of skills along the way to just live as myself," Flinn said.

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