17 - Food delivery service

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A third of the room looked interested/amused, but the rest couldn't be described as favorable. Understandably so - Ian and Lorelei had turned a serious lecture on how to summon a life-saving being into a-- how to use the no.3 mythical beast as a food delivery service, then have a cafe conversation like they were here for kicks and giggles.

"I don't mind if you use these lectures in odd ways, but try to not bother others while doing so," Madison said with a soft sigh, she was also among those who didn't seem amused with their behavior.

"Sorry," Ian said and Lorelei followed it up with - "My apologies."

And Madison continued the lesson with the instruction that they should always keep the summoning plate in an easy-to-access location, and, at best, practice enough till they can summon Purple's wisp with one touch. If they are in danger, Purple would figure, it was also good to preset destinations - Guild's infirmary being a good destination to go to in case they are wounded.

If they are pursued by or otherwise targeted by up to mid-rank gods or unranked mythical beasts guild's HQ is a good place to escape to, but in case they are targeted by a high-rank god or any of the top-ranking mythical beasts - their best hope of survival was a place called Ruins of Rosemary Cathedral, but going there would mean they would never be able to come back.

Madison continued - "And this leads to - study up the ranked section of a book called 'Etiquette of a good witch' - do not mess with any of the figures found in Mythical Beasts, or Ureal Gods, or Gemhearts, or Mages sections. Under no conditions, harm any Alchemist - regardless if they are ranked or not - in past, they have even hired Bermont and Riveria to deal with alchemist murderers. 

Make it seem like you are against humanity, the Church might target you.

Not as severe, but - do not mess with the Galord clan or Rembrant clan, they are both mafia-like--"

Ian gained a floaty look. Oh-- hadn't he done that...

Madison continued - "All witches are like a big family - make enemies with one, all of them will be against you. Neither those two clans, nor witches are likely to murder people, but they can cause plenty of problems otherwise. Galord clan and Rembrant clan both have a lot of authority in the Church and the Guild and Witches control a lot of matters on the normie side.

I am aware I mentioned a lot of unfamiliar names and groups," Madison said. "But I see you all made notes - please look those up in the central library, any seeing side person can access the basic sections, and information on all of these can be found there," Madison added, of course, how to get to the extra floor and how to use the Catalogues. Doing all this would be their homework until next week.

Madison said she would ask each of them a simple question assuming they had learned it all - an inability to answer would lead to a lesson on why Necromancers have gone into Normie fiction as the most terrifying magic-user group and why there's no need for necromancers to have any safety mechanisms like Alchemists did despite both Necromancers and Alchemists being non-combatant classes nowadays.

Madison smiled as she said that and none of them wanted to learn that bit. Ian also gulped. 

Madison wrote her phone number on the blackboard, told they could text her in case they ran into something so mysterious they had no idea what to do, but otherwise, the lesson was over.

Her smile on what might happen if they failed to answer her questions had been so effective that the entire class went to the library right as the lesson ended, making calls to reschedule or cancel dinners and the like. 

Madison Flow had seemed like a serene spiritual guru at first, but now it had become plain scary how she could talk about life and death, groups that were bad to target, and the like with such a serene and peaceful expression like she was talking about philosophy.

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