1 - The cat in the fish tank

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The water made a sound as a ring fell into it. The ring was silver and simple in design - only a row of carved folk symbols adorning it.

Just moments before, the ring had been on the pinky of a man washing a fish tank. "Shi--" the owner of the ring stopped mid-curse, hearing another mobile phone ring: the reason why he had withdrawn his hand in haste and caused the mishap in the first place.

He sighed and rather than getting his ring, he chose to pick up his phone.

"Hey," he spoke into the phone as he picked up, turning his back to the fish tank, and as he did, the ring disappeared. Or rather - it was hidden from eyes in a shape that required special vision to see.

A female voice rambled on the other end, it wasn't hard to guess from the context that she had called her son to complain about her new husband in a humble bragging manner. The son listened patiently letting out 'yeah' and 'mhm' when needed, unaware of what was happening behind his back.

A small creature was born right then and there. At first only a little bit bigger than the ring itself - formed from water, round, yet with two little pointed ears, a pair of small thick paws with pink pads and a tail longer than its body. The ring was safely tucked into its belly. It had two little fangs, round eyes and if one had to compare it to something, then a fat kitten plushie would be a good fit. Other than the ring its belly also had a little pink and glowing heart in it - around the place where a heart ought to be.

Even if it was just born, it already knew what it was - a kitten-like creature formed from water - a water kitten - witten. Something that was born when a very treasured item fell into the water and wasn't retrieved fast enough.

It blinked its eyes, first looking over its dwelling - a big fish tank almost as tall and wide as a wall in the apartment it was in. Having just been cleaned and filled up with fresh water, it offered a good sight around, especially since it was placed in the middle of a studio type apartment - kitchen on one side, bed on the other, a row of windows letting plenty of light in. The room was clean and there were plenty of potted plants around - many chili plants and other edible greens. The other fish were swimming around in bowls and jars on the kitchen table - waiting to return to their home and the ceiling was squirming with an abundance of ... food. For the witten, that is.

Fuzzy round creatures with bunny ears on their heads, formed from dust and aether. Like the witten, they were also beings seen only by those with a particular kind of eyes. The witten knew those were called Dustbuns and the Witten also knew that they were easy prey. Its instinct as a predator told so.

Most importantly, though, there was the human. The previous owner of the ring in the Witten's belly and also, the one who had treasured the ring at a level that made it possible for the witten to form. He was in his early twenties, tall for a human, with a broad firm back, the loose shirt did nothing to hide the well-defined muscles, dark blonde hair and when he looked sideways, the witten could see that his eyes were the same silver color as the ring in its belly. Witten knew the shape of this human from its time as a ring, but it was its first time seeing it.

The Witten moved its tail like a whip, swimming close to the glass and pressing its paws against it. It wanted to wrap around the finger that used to have the ring, the memories of being cleaned with care, being brushed over in sweet reminiscence, or for reassurance, and being treated with love were ingrained in the Witten's memories. It knew it was loved by the human, identifying itself with the ring, so it wanted to be pampered like usual.

It listened in to the words the human said, opening its little mouth to make sounds, a meowing sound formed at first, but gradually the words took a clumsy shape of 'nyuman, nyuman, nyam nyere' (human, human, I am here). 'I should be on your finger' it thought.

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