66 - Endlessly precious

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After more raiding, they managed to break the barrier layer, so talks at dinner were random and they had separated into groups because Valerie had already started to talk about various things to know when brewing haste potions - each alchemist had their own way.

When Ian mentioned Kenneth had brewed some from his ice infused aether.

Valerie smiled saying - "Interesting, that's a good direction for you." And after dinner, they took two hours to brew a cauldron, also ice-based, but Ian was pretty sure the ingredients they used were different and-- Ian started to get a feel for why each alchemist had their own haste potion - the specific ingredients did not matter - combination did. Alchemists used what they had on hand to achieve the effect they had in mind and Ian's haste potion was one based on ingredients he had gathered. But if it was meant for sleeping--

"What would happen if I added a bit of somnis root?" He asked.

"Now you are thinking like a proper alchemist," Valerie made a happy smile as she said that. "How would you do it?"

"Burn it in light alignment," Ian replied. He had a feeling that was better.

"Intuition from aether drain?" Valerie asked.

"No idea," Ian replied, "It just feels like the thing that makes you sleep would burn up in dark, but dark would leave all the taste, but not the effect."

"That's right," Valerie said. "That's usually so with plant-based ingredients, their effect is strongest if they are infused using light alignment, but I like that you mean to burn, not infuse - thinking about us dark aligned ones, eh?"

Ian smiled. "Subconsciously, I guess."

And he added the root, burning it up and they ended up with a cauldron of teal blue and shimmering potion with a bit of mist floating above it and they filled it in one of Ian's empty aether essence barrels, because they didn't have any bottles on hand, but that would do-- All of them might as well just borrow a glass and bring it back in the morning.

Intuition said-- drink a half now, train, drink some and get sleep before breakfast. Ian checked with Valerie if that was about right and she said it sounded good, so that's what he recommended.

And-- "Can I send some to Kenneth and Knox?" Ian asked because he wanted to show it to them. It kind of was his first 'real' potion, although who knows-- it felt oddly similar to ambrosia in process, just different stuff and no alcohol, and the scent said it would taste like a cool, a bit minty drink.

The amount people would need to drink for the right effect would also be double compared to Kenneth's. Kenneth's haste potion was fire and neutral aligned like Kenneth himself and Ian could guess some ingredients, but not all, and the taste was-- mild, a bit powdery. But the point was the effect and efficiency, so much like Kenneth as well. It was not made for sleeping, so of course, it would be different.

"You don't need to ask me," Valerie said with a smile and Ian did send a glass to each of them and gave Purple a glass as payment, although Valerie said he was overpaying--

"It's more like a thank you than payment," Ian said.

"Might as well give some to all of us," Bro said as they had all lingered around to watch and that's what he did, the only one who said-- "I've had enough sleep for a long time," was Uriah, he only wanted to taste-test and a single sip would not have much of an effect - either as a sleeping or haste potion. And they all had a single sip right away, unanimously sharing a 'delicious.' And Ian was happy to hear.

And after getting sleep, they all got to explore the fun of three males and a single girl-- Twincest-y or not-- Nelly helped Ian discover he really was hitting the right spots with the right kind of force and got why Knox had recommended it. 

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