83 - Chocolate Gelato

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"Yes, that recording made sure no one will lose their reputation," Oakley said, "With that kind of skill Hedwig having him as a lover will raise her reputation rather than lowering it and the same is true for your reputation. And it gave legitimacy to everything you said."

Christine smiled. "If brothels are not legal next year, then my Hills and Reef sisters will have failed an opportunity of a lifetime."

Purple smiled - "Hills clan bumped and co-streamed those videos everywhere they could, they went on TV in parallel to the net stream." He added that the media was latching on to the fact that good cops are losing jobs due to overlooking hookers real hard, Dustin and the figures above were buried in calls and petitions to not fire Flinn.

Christine added that they had made interesting points - Ian was technically engaging in prostitution just that he got paid in something cute like 'letting him babysit the kids' and a lifestyle of having some over a thousand girls without catching any diseases was another point to consider. Obviously when Brothels become legal Amina would be recommending undead establishments and-- undead could not get sick with normie diseases.

The church, or any opposing groups, would have a hard time countering it if it gets going and there would likely be small clinics or testing rooms set up in or next to Brothels with potions available to heal any diseases the normies would carry anyhow. Plenty of undead knew some alchemy, they could and would make use of that.

Mom pitched in that she got some texts from her family saying they all approved of Kenneth, then smiled saying it was flattering how Ian saw a lot of things in common between Kenneth and her.

Kenneth laughed saying Ian did that a lot, making Ian turn red when she noted that the first time it happened was after Ian got her in bed, saying he frustrated them both for the same reasons. Mom also laughed about the choice of timing, then added that her family sent their apologies for making Ian immune to gazes and cameras, even if they said it was quite something to see.

They all agreed to hang out on the yacht and just head out if something happens and since nothing major was going on Ian asked if he could go make a kid with Bermont and went to do so in one of the rooms downstairs after merging up with Nelly. They weren't the only ones making use of rooms in this way. And when they came up a few hours later, they noticed three familiar figures and Feral unmerged running to hug and snuggle Bro, Elsie and Mario. They were back and they had gotten stronger.

"Just let me stay like this--" Mario buried his nose in Ian's chest and remained in the hug.

"Bro, what happened?" He asked. And got a smile and reply that Mario was teased out of his mind after it slipped out that he was in love with Ian Willow. But they had passed on their training methods and all participants of the raid had made good progress, a few who were already strong had hit legendary rank in some skills as well, including Madison.

Ian asked how had things passed over with him returning and being an elf and -

"I had no idea elves were that uncomfortable in human towns," Bro said, saying he had gotten so nauseous when he tried to enter one that they ended up just giving up on it for now. Rembrandt house was alright, though - it was located in a forest as it was and had plenty of nature surrounding it, but-- they had camped outside because he couldn't calm down inside a building that wasn't 'in touch' with nature.

"Your house is great in that sense," Bro said, "It felt good, the air was nice, it was comfortable and easy to sleep in."

"You might as well live with us," Ian said, "and join the Police while at it."

Bro smiled. "Paxton and Juniper said the same thing, we'll do that."

Ian asked why was Elsie fine and Elsie said they got somewhat used to it about two weeks in, they opted to camp, because why tire out if they would only be spending three days in the house before they would leave for the raid? If they have a longer stay, then they can get used to it then. And Elsie also said the first time was the worst one - all elves got through it once in their teenage years when they interned at a human high school for a year after that they knew what to expect and it wasn't as bad, Bro was a fresh elf with no experience of interning for a year as an elf, so, of course, it was awful.

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